A voxel game written in Java + LWJGL.
- There should be a file called "XBuilders3.jar". Double-click to run it.
If nothing happens, it could be that you dont have JRE 17 installed on your machine.
- Test if you have java installed with
java -version
- Install JDK 17: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download#openjdk-17)
- The JVM version must be 17. If it is higher, the following message will show in output:
[LWJGL] [ThreadLocalUtil] Unsupported JNI version detected, this may result in a crash. Please inform LWJGL developers.
- I use LWJGL's Nuklear library that is builtin to LWJGL to do all of the UI rendering.
- Each chunk is 32x32x32 in size. Chunks coordinates are 3D
- The up direction is -Y, and the down direction is +Y
Textures taken mostly from Pixel Perfection, with some handcrafted ones, and textures taken from open source minetest texture packs as well:
- https://github.com/Athemis/PixelPerfectionCE/tree/master
- https://github.com/Wallbraker/PixelPerfection?tab=readme-ov-file
All entities and block types are made using blender. There are 2 blender profiles, one for blocks and one for entities
- The block profile has +Y as up direction
- The entity profile has -Y as up direction