This is a better way to collect some android repositories on github for me, or for you, an android developer.
Maybe it is not the most complete one, but must be the awesome one!
platform_frameworks_base: AOSP
SQLite, ORMs, and SharedPreferences.
dependency injector, and event bus.
daynight mode, and change skin.
JSON parser/generator, Java serialization/deserialization library.
pdf, word, excel, ppt and so on.
Some open source projects used for learning.
AudioRecord, VideoPlayer, MusicPlayer.
UI Design
Gaussian Blur and Ground Glass Effect for image.
You can call it CaseView, TipsView, or GuideView.
zooming, crop, circle or rounded corner, image picker, image editor...
LabelView, etc.
ExpandableListView Or TreeView...
This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2.
Praise, Collect, or other actions.
Transitions, shared elements, swipe back between activities.
Some common designs in detail page, personal info page, and so on.
SwitchButton, CheckBox.
Search or filter in toolbar.
A picker or selector for date time, age, provinces, sex and so on.
A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.
Refer to android-art.
- Google Material Color:谷歌官方质感设计Color
- Material Design Color Palette Generator:质感设计色板生成器,支持强调色搭配
- Material UI:质感设计色板
- Material Colors:质感设计色板
- Android Material Icon Generator:Android Material 材料风格图标LOGO生成器
- Flat icon generator:扁平化图标生成器
- Android Asset Studio:安卓图标生成器,根据应用内用途可生成多种规格的图标
- Android 9-patch shadow generator
- Build Your Ajax Loading Icons with SVG / CSS / GIF / APNG !
- TinyPNG:在保证质量的前提下压缩图片,支持JPEG、PNG
- 改图吧:修改尺寸,支持像素与百分比两种调整类型
- Roundcorner:对图标进行圆角化处理
- Google Device Art Generator:截图加壳,采用Nexus、Pixel & Android Wear的壳
By JackyAndroid.
By MindorksOpenSource.
By stormzhang.
The Sides In MDCC 2016 Android Session.