A bundle that stores pre-specified key-value pairs.
composer require zicht/key-value-bundle
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
Define a KeysDefinerInterface
or extend AbstractKeyDefiner
service in your own bundle and tag
this service with zicht_bundle_key_value.keys_definer
class FooBundleKeyDefiner extends AbstractKeyDefiner
/** @var SchemaService */
private $schemaService;
public function __construct(SchemaService $schemaService)
$this->schemaService = $schemaService;
public function getPredefinedKeys()
return [
name: 'zicht.foo_bundle.my_predefined_key',
default: $this->getDefaultValue('zicht.foo_bundle.my_predefined_key', false),
pretty_name: 'My predefined key',
form_type: 'checkbox',
form_options: ['required' => false]
'Set the threshold-amount for showing "almost soldout!" on various places in the website',
'zicht.foo_bundle.zipcode_required', // THIS IS LOCALE DEPENDENT
$this->getDefaultValue('', ['nl' => true, 'en' => false]),
'Show the zip-code input when creating a user account, this is not required for all visitors',
['type' => 'checkbox']
'/bundles/yourbundle/key-value-storage/foo-config.schema.json', # relative to the public web dir
$this->getDefaultValue('foo-config.schema.json', [])
Every defined key has a unique key and a default value. When the user wants to change the associated value, the custom value is stored in the database as a json_data field.
To distinguish keys between bundles it's recommended to use the following
configuration: vendor.bundle_name.purpose_of_this_key
Every defined key has a form type and form options, allowing simple
input, such as form type 'text'
, or complicated inputs, such as form
type 'file'
with options ['data_class' => null']
, where the latter
will ask for a file upload.
Make sure the directory web/media/key_value_storage
exists and is writable.
locale: nl
label: Nederlands
locale: en
label: Engels
zicht.foo_bundle.homepage_url: '{"nl":"/nl/thuis","en":"/en/home"}'
zicht.foo_bundle.display_threshold: 200
type: service
id: cache.app # or another service you have defined
If enabled, cached items are prefixed with KeyValueStorageManager::CACHE_TAG
and tagged with KeyValueStorageManager::CACHE_TAG
If you want to use the key value storage at any place in your code. A storage
service is available. Registered with the name
There is also a twig extension available. Use the get_from_key_value_storage
method with the key
parameter to return the value
Add the new Zicht\Bundle\KeyValueBundle\ZichtKeyValueBundle(),
to your
To use the admin zicht_bundle_key_value.admin.key_value_admin
use this
in your sonata_admin
config to show the admin for your key's.
To change a value in one of your keys you have to add. After you have added the value it becomes editable.
Make a list of questions that should be asked (and have "yes" as an answer) before deciding to define a key. Questions could be: is this value modified often? Do we want to give access to the client to this value and/or modifications? Are there alternatives? Can/will this value be used in a dependecyinjection pattern? This will prevent creating keys that are not suited to be in the KeyValueStorage.
Build a bridge to decouple Symfony and Sonata.
- Erik Trapman [email protected]