Hatheway, W., Snoun, H., ur Rehman, H. et al. WRF-MOSIT: a modular and cross-platform tool for configuring and installing the WRF model. Earth Sci Inform (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-023-01136-y
This is a BASH script that provides options to install the following Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF) packages in 64-bit systems:
Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF)
Weather Research & Forecasting Model Chemistry (WRF-CHEM)
Weather Research & Forecasting Model Hydro Standalone (WRF-Hydro)
Weather Research & Forecasting Model Hydro Coupled w/ WRF (WRF-Hydro Coupled)
Weather Research & Forecasting Model CMAQ (WRF-CMAQ)
Weather Research & Forecasting Model Wildland Fire (WRF-SFIRE)
Basic Nesting is set up
- 64-bit system
- Darwin (MacOS)
- Linux Debian Distro (Ubuntu, Mint, etc)
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (Debian Distro, Ubuntu, Mint, etc)
- CentOS based systems not supported
- 350 Gigabyte (GB) of free storage space
- Libraries are manually installed in sub-folders utilizing either Intel or GNU Compilers.
- Libraries installed with GNU compilers
- zlib (1.3.1)
- MPICH (4.2.2)
- libpng (1.6.39)
- JasPer (1.900.1)
- HDF5 (
- PHDF5 (
- Parallel-NetCDF (1.13.0)
- NetCDF-C (4.9.2)
- NetCDF-Fortran (4.6.1)
- Miniconda
- Libraries installed with Intel compilers
- zlib (1.3.1)
- libpng (1.6.39)
- JasPer (1.900.1)
- HDF5 (
- PHDF5 (
- Parallel-NetCDF (1.13.0)
- NetCDF-C (4.9.2)
- NetCDF-Fortran (4.6.1)
- Miniconda
- Intel-Basekit
- Intel-HPCKIT
- Intel-AIKIT
- Libraries installed with GNU compilers
- WRF v4.6.0
- WPS v4.6.0
- WRF PLUS v4.6.0
- WRFDA 4DVAR v4.6.0
- WRF Chem w/KPP 4.5
- WPS v4.6.0
- WRF-Hydro Standalone
- WRF-Hydro v5.2
- WRF-Hydro Coupled
- WRF-Hydro v5.2
- WRF v4.6.0
- WPS v4.6.0
- WRF v4.6.0
- CMAW v5.4
- WPS v4.6.0
- WPS v4.2
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.1
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Unified Post Processor (UPP) v4.1
- ARWPost v3
- WRF-Python (Conda installed)
- OpenGrADS
- NCAR Command Langauge (Conda installed)
- Climate Data Operators (Conda installed)
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.1
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Unified Post Processor (UPP) v4.1
- ARWPost v3
- WRF-Python (Conda installed)
- OpenGrADS
- NCAR Command Langauge (Conda installed)
- Climate Data Operators (Conda installed)
- Prep-Chem-SRC v1.5 (GNU only)
- WRF CHEM Tools
- Mozbc
- Megan Bio Emiss
- Megan Bio Data
- Wes Coldens
- Aircraft
WRF-Hydro Standalone
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
WRF-Hydo Coupled
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Unified Post Processor (UPP) v4.1
- ARWPost v3
- WRF-Python (Conda installed)
- OpenGrADS
- NCAR Command Langauge (Conda installed)
- Climate Data Operators (Conda installed)
- WRF-GIS-Preprocessor (Conda installed)
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.1
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Unified Post Processor (UPP) v4.1
- ARWPost v3
- WRF-Python (Conda installed)
- OpenGrADS
- NCAR Command Langauge (Conda installed)
- Climate Data Operators (Conda installed)
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Model Evaluation Tools (MET) v11.1.1
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus) v5.1.0
- Development Testbed Center (DTC) Unified Post Processor (UPP) v4.1
- ARWPost v3
- WRF-Python (Conda installed)
- OpenGrADS
- NCAR Command Langauge (Conda installed)
- Climate Data Operators (Conda installed)
- Make sure to download and Homebrew before moving to installation.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
brew install git
chmod 775 *.sh
./WRF-MOSIT.sh 2>&1 | tee WRF_MOSIT.log
- (Make sure to download folder into your Home Directory):
cd $HOME
sudo apt install git -y
chmod 775 *.sh
./WRF-MOSIT.sh 2>&1 | tee WRF_MOSIT.log
- (Make sure to download folder into your Home Directory):
cd $HOME
sudo (yum or dnf) install git -y
chmod 775 *.sh
./WRF-MOSIT.sh 2>&1 | tee WRF_MOSIT.log
Script will check for System Architecture Type and Storage Space requirements.
Once running the script users will be provided with options to select how the WRF-MOSIT will compile and install the various packages.
- First option, Which compiler users want to use Intel or GNU compilers.
- Second option, Which graphic display package should be installed. GrADS or OpenGrADS
- Third option, Auto Configuration. This allows users to have a one-click install
- Fourth option, Secondary WPS geography file download choice.
- Author of script recommends selecting "YES" if user is unsure.
- Fifth option, Optional WPS geography file download choice.
- Author of script recommends selecting "YES" if user is unsure.
- Last option, Pick which WRF software user wants to install
GNU Compilers
export PATH=$HOME/WRF/Libs/MPICH/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$HOME/WRF/Libs/grib2/lib:$PATH
Intel Compilers
source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/WRF_Intel/Libs/grib2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=$HOME/WRF_Intel/Libs/grib2/lib:$PATH
*** Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, MacOS Ventura, MacOS Sonoma, Centos7, Rocky Linux 9, Windows Sub-Linux Ubuntu***
- Built 64-bit system.
- Tested with current available libraries on 07/01/2024, exceptions have been noted in the script documentation.
- Intel compilers take slightly more time to install packages.
- Youtube's meteoadriatic
- GitHub user jamal919
- University of Manchester's Doug L
- University of Tunis El Manar's Hosni S.
- GSL's Jordan S.
- NCAR's Mary B., Christine W., & Carl D.
- DTC's Julie P., Tara J., George M., & John H.
- UCAR's Katelyn F., Jim B., Jordan P., Kevin M.,
Hatheway, W., Snoun, H., ur Rehman, H. et al. WRF-MOSIT: a modular and cross-platform tool for configuring and installing the WRF model. Earth Sci Inform (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-023-01136-y
Skamarock, W. C., J. B. Klemp, J. Dudhia, D. O. Gill, Z. Liu, J. Berner, W. Wang, J. G. Powers, M. G. Duda, D. M. Barker, and X.-Y. Huang, 2019: A Description of the Advanced Research WRF Version 4. NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-556+STR, 145 pp. doi:10.5065/1dfh-6p97
Biswas, M. K., Bernardet, L., Abarca, S., Ginis, I., Grell, E., Kalina, E., … Zhang, Z. (2018). Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model: 2017 Scientific Documentation (No. NCAR/TN-544+STR). doi:10.5065/D6MK6BPR
Peckham, S., G. A. Grell, S. A. McKeen, M. Barth, G. Pfister, C. Wiedinmyer, J. D. Fast, W. I. Gustafson, R. Zaveri, R. C. Easter, J. Barnard, E. Chapman, M. Hewson, R. Schmitz, M. Salzmann, S. Freitas, 2011: WRF-Chem Version 3.3 User's Guide. NOAA Technical Memo., 98 pp.
"We acknowledge use of the WRF-Chem preprocessor tool {name of tool} provided by the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Lab (ACOM) of NCAR."
Gochis, D.J., M. Barlage, R. Cabell, M. Casali, A. Dugger, K. FitzGerald, M. McAllister, J. McCreight, A. RafieeiNasab, L. Read, K. Sampson, D. Yates, Y. Zhang (2020). The WRF-Hydro® modeling system technical description, (Version 5.2.0). NCAR Technical Note. 108 pages. Available online at: https://ral.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/public/projects/wrf-hydro/technical-description-user-guide/wrf-hydrov5.2technicaldescription.pdf
Freitas, S. R. ; Longo, K. M. ; Alonso, M. F. ; Pirre, M. ; Marecal, V. ; Grell, G. ; Stockler, R. ; Mello, R. F. ; Sánchez Gácita, M. . PREP-CHEM-SRC 1.0: a preprocessor of trace gas and aerosol emission fields for regional and global atmospheric chemistry models. Geoscientific Model Development, v. 4, p. 419-433, 2011
Shamsaei, K., Juliano, T., Igrashkina, N., Ebrahimian, H., Kosovic, B., Taciroglu, E. (2022) WRF-Fire Wikipage. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6667633 [access date]