ndndump was created to provide a tcpdump-like tool for Named Data Networking (NDN).
For more information about NDN, refer to NDN Project homepage.
ndn-cxx library (https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx)
For detailed installation instructions refer to ndn-cxx getting started instructions
The following commands will configure, build, and install ndndump:
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
./build/ndndump [-i interface] [-f name-filter] [tcpdump-expression]
Default tcpdump-expression:
'(ether proto 0x8624) || (tcp port 6363) || (udp port 6363)'
-h [ --help ] Produce this help message
-i [ --interface ] arg Interface from which to dump packets
-r [ --read ] arg Read packets from file
-v [ --verbose ] When parsing and printing, produce verbose output
-f [ --filter ] arg Regular expression to filter out Interest and Data