Extract Structural Variation signals in Long Reads BAM. This program is a Rust re-implementation of excord which is used to generate indexes for STIX. Currently, this program considiers Split-Event and Alignment-Event.
Contact: Xinchang Zheng <[email protected],[email protected]>
Usage: excord-lr [OPTIONS] --bam <BAM> --out <OUT>
-b, --bam <BAM>
Path to BAM file
-Q, --mapq <MAPQ>
Minimal MapQ [default: 1]
-F, --exclude-flag <EXCLUDE_FLAG>
Exclude Flags [default: 1796]
-S, --exclude-secondary
Exclude Secondary Alignment
-U, --exclude-unmapped
Exclude Unmapped Alignment
-t, --thread <THREAD>
Threads [default: 8]
-i, --indel-min <INDEL_MIN>
Minimal len to define an SV events in CIGAR [default: 50]
-m, --merge-min <MERGE_MIN>
Threshold to merge two adjacent events [default: 5]
-n, --not-merge
Not merge
-o, --out <OUT>
Output file name
-s, --split-only
Only report split-read event
-p, --pct-overlap <PCT_OVERLAP>
percent of overlap to discard a potential false positive record(set 0 to disable) [default: 0.8]
-k, --max-supp-alignm <MAX_SUPP_ALIGNM>
maximal number of SA to include a record [default: 4]
-d, --debug
-v, --verbose
verbose output
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Please check the release page to find the latest version.
We recommend users build excord-lr with musl libc. The binary works for the most of linux distributions.
apt install musl-tools
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
CC=/usr/bin/musl-gcc cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
You can also build excord-lr in a normal way by this:
cargo build --release