A project to fulfill CS 546 section A final group assignment by Group 12
- Please make sure you have MongoDB running on your local machine. For more instruction on how to do that, please visit here.
- Please make sure you have the newest version of node.js and npm package manager installed on your local machine.
- Please use Chrome browser to test the application.
- Step 1: type
npm i
to install all required node modules, under the project's root folder. - Step 2: type
node data/seed.js
to populate the database with the seeding file. (Make sure your MongoDB server is running at the back end with default port and settings. To view the database, use MongoDB Compass) - Step 3: type
npm start
to run the application locally after seeding process. - Step 4: visit http://localhost:3000
- username: [email protected]
- password: iamironman123
Zhehang Xu
- User Account Management System(Front and Back end)
- Login and Create Account routing(Front and Back end)
- Database connection.
- Security measurement.
Shuhao Bai
- User Account Management System(Front and Back end).
- Create Account(Front end)
- User Logout function.
- Sorting bookmark categories(Front end)
Xi Wei Yin:
- Dashboard structure implementation.
- Bookmark sharing function(Front and Back end).
- Bookmark deleting function(Front and Back end).
- HTML Validation and Website Accessability testing, debugging.
Yue Lei:
- Bookmark Searching function.(Front and Back end)
- Database collections set up.
- Database seeding.
- Database testing and debugging.
Zihao Chen:
- Dashboard (Front and Back end)
- Dashboard debug and optimization.
- Bookmark displaying function.
- Bookmark adding function(Front and Back end).
Yuanxin Liu:
- Dashboard UI (Front end)
- Bookmark adding-to-favorite funciton(Back End)
- Bookmark remove function(Back end)
- Bookmark category displaying optimization.
Jiaqian Zhang:
- Help complete UI part (Front end)
- Help complete search part (Front and back end)
- Help complete add and edit function (Front and back end)
- Help complete add to favorite function (Front and back end)
- Help all the database operation and test bugs then fix them (Back end)
- Help all the group member to finish their part.
- Please email: [email protected] for any issues or questions.