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Self hosting

Kainoa Kanter edited this page Apr 8, 2022 Β· 6 revisions


πŸ‹ Docker is coming soon:tm:



  1. Clone the repo
git clone
cd zer0bin
  1. Edit example.nginx to fit your domain and location

(Instructions are inside the file)

  1. Add the nginx config to nginx
mv example.nginx yourdomain.tld
sudo cp ./yourdomain.tld /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo cp ./yourdomain.tld /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo nginx -t # Make sure everything's ok
systemctl nginx restart # Or whichever process manager you use
  1. Prepare config.json
cd frontend
cp config.example.json config.json
  1. Configure frontend by editing config.json
Key Values Description
api_url API URL The URL of the API
confetti_chance Number β‰₯ 1 The chance of confetti showing on save
Run mv style/font-fira.scss style/font.scss if you would like to replace Cartograph CF with Fira Code
  1. Build frontend
yarn run build
  1. Apply database schema and prepare config.json
cd ../backend
psql -f schema.sql -U postgres zer0bin
cp config.example.json config.json
  1. Configure backend by editing config.json
Key Values Description
server.backend_host or The host to run the backend on
server.backend_port Any open port The port to run the backend on
pastes.character_limit Number up to 2^64 - 1 The amount of characters allowed in a single paste
pastes.days_til_expiration Number up to 2^63 or -1 The days till a paste is to expire. If set to -1 then pastes will never expire
pastes.id_length Number up to 2^64 - 1 The length of the ID for each paste
databases.postgres_uri PostreSQL Connection URI The URI to use when connecting to a PostgreSQL database
ratelimits.seconds_in_between_pastes Number up to 2^64 - 1 The seconds between paste uploads
ratelimits.allowed_pastes_before_ratelimit Number up to 2^32 - 1 Amount of requests that can be made before they are blocked and have to wait
logging.on_post_paste true or false Log on new paste is made
logging.on_get_paste true or false Log on paste get
  1. Build and run!
cargo build --release
# tmux
./target/release/zer0bin-bin # In a tmux/multiplexer session or as a service