A package for machine learning inference in FPGAs. We create firmware implementations of machine learning algorithms using high level synthesis language (HLS). We translate traditional open-source machine learning package models into HLS that can be configured for your use-case!
If you have any questions, comments, or ideas regarding hls4ml or just want to show us how you use hls4ml, don't hesitate to reach us through the discussions tab.
For more information visit the webpage: https://fastmachinelearning.org/hls4ml/
Detailed tutorials on how to use hls4ml
's various functionalities can be found here.
pip install hls4ml
To install the extra dependencies for profiling:
pip install hls4ml[profiling]
import hls4ml
#Fetch a keras model from our example repository
#This will download our example model to your working directory and return an example configuration file
config = hls4ml.utils.fetch_example_model('KERAS_3layer.json')
print(config) #You can print the configuration to see some default parameters
#Convert it to a hls project
hls_model = hls4ml.converters.keras_to_hls(config)
# Print full list of example models if you want to explore more
Building a project with Xilinx Vivado HLS (after downloading and installing from here)
Note: Vitis HLS is not yet supported. Vivado HLS versions between 2018.2 and 2020.1 are recommended.
#Use Vivado HLS to synthesize the model
#This might take several minutes
#Print out the report if you want
There are 2 ways to do this.
See https://fastmachinelearning.org/hls4ml/advanced/extension.html.
hls4ml is kind of like a compiler. It has a frontend for parsing and a backend for code generation. Suppose we want to add an id layer which outputs its input.
- hls4ml/utils/config.py/config_from_keras_model: Add the layer name in Keras to the supported layer list so that the parser recognizes our layer.
id_layers = ['ID']
#All supported layers
supported_layers = core_layers + dense_layers + conv_layers + pooling_layers + norm_layers + activation_layers + merge_layers + qkeras_layers + upsampling_layers + reshaping_layers + graph_layers + rnn_layers + id_layers + skip_layers
- hls4ml/converters/keras/: Add the keras handler for our id layer. Create a new file called id.py. The handler file will be automatically registered and used during parsing.
import math
from hls4ml.converters.keras_to_hls import parse_default_keras_layer
from hls4ml.converters.keras_to_hls import keras_handler
def parse_id_layer(keras_layer, input_names, input_shapes, data_reader, config):
assert('ID' in keras_layer['class_name'])
layer = parse_default_keras_layer(keras_layer, input_names)
return layer, [shape for shape in input_shapes[0]]
- hls4ml/model/layers.py: Add the IR object for our parsed layer.
class ID(Layer):
_expected_attributes = [
def initialize(self):
inp = self.get_input_variable()
shape = inp.shape
dims = inp.dim_names
self.add_output_variable(shape, dims)
self.set_attr('n_in', self.get_input_variable().size())
Add it to the layer_map.
layer_map = {
'Input' : Input,
'ID' : ID,
- hls4ml/backends/vivado/pass/: Also add an id_template.py file to register our pass to the backend.
from hls4ml.backends.backend import get_backend
from hls4ml.model.layers import ID
from hls4ml.backends.template import LayerConfigTemplate, FunctionCallTemplate
# ID template
id_config_template = """
struct config{index} : nnet::id_config {{
static const unsigned n_in = {n_in};
static const unsigned io_type = nnet::{iotype};
id_function_template = 'nnet::id<{input_t}, {output_t}, {config}>({input}, {output});'
id_include_list = ['nnet_utils/nnet_id.h', 'nnet_utils/nnet_id_stream.h']
class IDConfigTemplate(LayerConfigTemplate):
def __init__(self):
self.template = id_config_template
def format(self, node):
params = self._default_config_params(node)
return self.template.format(**params)
class IDFunctionTemplate(FunctionCallTemplate):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(ID, include_header=id_include_list)
self.template = id_function_template
def format(self, node):
params = self._default_function_params(node)
return self.template.format(**params)
- hls4ml/templates/vivado/nnet_utils/: Add 2 template files(1 for stream, 1 for parallel) for the generation the HLS code of our layer.
This is nnet_id.h.
#ifndef NNET_ID_H_
#define NNET_ID_H_
#include "ap_fixed.h"
#include "nnet_common.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace nnet {
struct id_config
// IO size
static const unsigned n_in = 10;
// Resource reuse info
static const unsigned io_type = io_parallel;
static const unsigned reuse_factor = 1;
// *************************************************
// ID
// *************************************************
template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
void id(data_T data[CONFIG_T::n_in], res_T res[CONFIG_T::n_in])
for (int ii = 0; ii < CONFIG_T::n_in; ii++) {
res[ii] = data[ii];
This is nnet_id_stream.h.
#include <cmath>
#include "ap_fixed.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"
#include "nnet_common.h"
#include "nnet_types.h"
#include "nnet_stream.h"
#include "nnet_id.h"
namespace nnet {
// *************************************************
// ID
// *************************************************
template<class data_T, class res_T, typename CONFIG_T>
void id(hls::stream<data_T> &data_stream, hls::stream<res_T> &res_stream) {
typename data_T::value_type data[CONFIG_T::n_in];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=data complete
typename res_T::value_type res[CONFIG_T::n_in];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=res complete
DataPrepare: for(int i_in = 0; i_in < CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size; i_in++) {
if (CONFIG_T::n_in / data_T::size > 1) {
data_T data_pack = data_stream.read();
DataPack: for (int i_pack = 0; i_pack < data_T::size; i_pack++) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
data[i_in * data_T::size + i_pack] = data_pack[i_pack];
ResWrite: for(unsigned i_out = 0; i_out < CONFIG_T::n_in / res_T::size; i_out++) {
if (CONFIG_T::n_in / res_T::size > 1) {
res_T res_pack;
#pragma HLS DATA_PACK variable=res_pack
ResPack: for (int i_pack = 0; i_pack < res_T::size; i_pack++) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
res_pack[i_pack] = data[i_out * res_T::size + i_pack];