This plugin is the pure lua replacement for github/copilot.vim.
Motivation behind `copilot.lua`
While using copilot.vim
, for the first time since I started using neovim my laptop began to overheat. Additionally,
I found the large chunks of ghost text moving around my code, and interfering with my existing cmp ghost text disturbing.
As lua is far more efficient and makes things easier to integrate with modern plugins, this repository was created.
Install the plugin with your preferred plugin manager. For example, with packer.nvim:
use { "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua" }
Once copilot is running, run :Copilot auth
to start the authentication process.
You have to run the require("copilot").setup(options)
function in order to start Copilot.
If no options are provided, the defaults are used.
Because the copilot server takes some time to start up, it is recommend that you lazy load copilot. For example:
use {
cmd = "Copilot",
event = "InsertEnter",
config = function()
The following is the default configuration:
panel = {
enabled = true,
auto_refresh = false,
keymap = {
jump_prev = "[[",
jump_next = "]]",
accept = "<CR>",
refresh = "gr",
open = "<M-CR>"
layout = {
position = "bottom", -- | top | left | right | horizontal | vertical
ratio = 0.4
suggestion = {
enabled = true,
auto_trigger = false,
hide_during_completion = true,
debounce = 75,
keymap = {
accept = "<M-l>",
accept_word = false,
accept_line = false,
next = "<M-]>",
prev = "<M-[>",
dismiss = "<C-]>",
filetypes = {
yaml = false,
markdown = false,
help = false,
gitcommit = false,
gitrebase = false,
hgcommit = false,
svn = false,
cvs = false,
["."] = false,
logger = {
file = vim.fn.stdpath("log") .. "/copilot-lua.log",
file_log_level = vim.log.levels.OFF,
print_log_level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
trace_lsp = "off", -- "off" | "messages" | "verbose"
trace_lsp_progress = false,
log_lsp_messages = false,
copilot_node_command = 'node', -- Node.js version must be > 18.x
workspace_folders = {},
copilot_model = "", -- Current LSP default is gpt-35-turbo, supports gpt-4o-copilot
root_dir = function()
return vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find(".git", { upward = true })[1])
server_opts_overrides = {},
Panel can be used to preview suggestions in a split window. You can run the
:Copilot panel
command to open it.
If auto_refresh
is true
, the suggestions are refreshed as you type in the buffer.
The copilot.panel
module exposes the following functions:
require("copilot.panel").open({position, ratio})
When auto_trigger
is true
, copilot starts suggesting as soon as you enter insert mode.
When auto_trigger
is false
, use the next
, prev
or accept
keymap to trigger copilot suggestion.
To toggle auto trigger for the current buffer, use require("copilot.suggestion").toggle_auto_trigger()
Copilot suggestion is automatically hidden when popupmenu-completion
is open. In case you use a custom
menu for completion, you can set the copilot_suggestion_hidden
buffer variable to true
to have the
same behavior.
Example using nvim-cmp
cmp.event:on("menu_opened", function()
vim.b.copilot_suggestion_hidden = true
cmp.event:on("menu_closed", function()
vim.b.copilot_suggestion_hidden = false
Example using blink.cmp
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "BlinkCmpMenuOpen",
callback = function()
vim.b.copilot_suggestion_hidden = true
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "BlinkCmpMenuClose",
callback = function()
vim.b.copilot_suggestion_hidden = false
The copilot.suggestion
module exposes the following functions:
Specify filetypes for attaching copilot.
require("copilot").setup {
filetypes = {
markdown = true, -- overrides default
terraform = false, -- disallow specific filetype
sh = function ()
if string.match(vim.fs.basename(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)), '^%.env.*') then
-- disable for .env files
return false
return true
If you add "*"
as a filetype, the default configuration for filetypes
won't be used anymore. e.g.
require("copilot").setup {
filetypes = {
javascript = true, -- allow specific filetype
typescript = true, -- allow specific filetype
["*"] = false, -- disable for all other filetypes and ignore default `filetypes`
Logs will be written to the file
for anything of file_log_level
or higher.
Logs will be printed to NeoVim (using notify
) for anything of print_log_level
or higher.
To turn either off, simply set its level to vim.log.levels.OFF
File logging is done asynchronously to minimize performance impacts, however there is still some overhead.
Log levels used are the ones defined in vim.log
vim.log = {
levels = {
TRACE = 0,
DEBUG = 1,
INFO = 2,
WARN = 3,
ERROR = 4,
OFF = 5,
controls logging of LSP trace messages ($/logTrace
) can either be:
which will output the LSP messagesverbose
which adds additonal information to the message.
When trace_lsp_progress
is true, LSP progress messages ($/progress
) will also be logged.
When log_lsp_messages
is true, LSP log messages (window/logMessage
) events will be logged.
Careful turning on all logging features as the log files may get very large over time, and are not pruned by the application.
Use this field to provide the path to a specific node version such as one installed by nvm. Node.js version must be 18.x or newer.
copilot_node_command = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/.config/nvm/versions/node/v18.18.2/bin/node", -- Node.js version must be > 18.x
Override copilot lsp client settings. The settings
field is where you can set the values of the options defined in
These options are specific to the copilot lsp and can be used to customize its behavior. Ensure that the name field is not overriden as is is used for
efficiency reasons in numerous checks to verify copilot is actually running. See :h vim.lsp.start_client
for list of options.
require("copilot").setup {
server_opts_overrides = {
trace = "verbose",
settings = {
advanced = {
listCount = 10, -- #completions for panel
inlineSuggestCount = 3, -- #completions for getCompletions
Workspace folders improve Copilot's suggestions. By default, the root_dir is used as a wokspace_folder.
Additional folders can be added through the configuration as such:
workspace_folders = {
They can also be added runtime, using the command :Copilot workspace add [folderpath]
where [folderpath]
is the workspace folder.
This allows changing the function that gets the root folder, the default looks for a parent folder that contains the folder .git
If none is found, it will use the current working directory.
defines the :Copilot
command that can perform various actions. It has completion support, so try it out.
The copilot.api
module can be used to build integrations on top of copilot.lua
- zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp: Integration with
. - AndreM222/copilot-lualine: Integration with