New Features
- Add signs debug widget (f3+t) which shows all loaded signs and its positions 346211d
- add a setting to disable entities rendering 999afe5
- add app loading screen & banner 0d40239
- old generator plains is now replaced with a new one (default). No compatibility is preserved for old worlds afd10e9
- update mineflayer to support 1.20.2 2548dbc
- basic support for 1.20.2 a95f257
Bug Fixes
- fix critical fps regression in worlds with many signs (gpu textures overflow), add most basic optimizations, clear textures on chunks unload 346211d
- don't change camera position on block interaction (empty hand right click) a0b2d8b
- update flying squid to include commands like /tell & very-first commands blocks support d535176
This release URL: https://prismarine-985odmtgw-zardoy.vercel.app