clj-extjwnl provides an API for querying WordNet using data patterns inspired by Datomic pull.
It is a Clojure wrapper for a subset of the Extended Java WordNet Library (extJWNL) that provides easy access to the underlying library.
See this post if you'd like to use Java interop without a wrapper library.
deps.edn dependency:
{net.zakak/clj-extjwnl {:mvn/version "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"}}
Leiningen dependency:
[net.zakak/clj-extjwnl "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
The primary functions are:
- default-dictionary - creates an instance of a WordNet dictionary
- lookup - retrieves word data from the dictionary using a data pattern
Lookup accepts an edn data pattern describing the data to be retrieved.
An example:
(ns hello-extjwnl.core
(:require [net.zakak.clj-extjwnl :as extjwnl]))
;; Load the default dictionary.
(def dict (extjwnl/default-dictionary))
;; Describe what we want to know about the word.
(def part-of-speech-pattern '[{:index-word/pos [:pos/label]}])
;; Lookup data about 'dog' from the dictionary.
(extjwnl/lookup dict part-of-speech-pattern "dog")
;; => [#:index-word{:pos #:pos{:label "noun"}} #:index-word{:pos #:pos{:label "verb"}}]
;; Add glossary data to a pattern.
(def glossary-pattern '[{:index-word/pos [:pos/label]}
{:word/senses [:synset/gloss]}])
;; Lookup using the new pattern.
(extjwnl/lookup dict glossary-pattern "dog")
;; => [#:index-word{:pos #:pos{:label "verb"}, :senses [#:synset{:gloss "go after with the intent to catch; ,,,"}]} ,,,]
An IndexWord represents a line of the pos.index file.
- :index-word/lemma
- {:index-word/pos [:pos/label]}
- {:index-word/senses [ Synset pattern ]}
There can be many senses for an IndexWord. The following returns all of them:
- {:index-word/senses [ Synset pattern ]}
If you'd like to return n senses:
- {(:index-word/senses :limit n) [ Synset pattern ]}
A Word represents the lexical information related to a specific sense of an IndexWord.
- :word/lemma
- {:word/pos [:pos/label]}
A Synset, or synonym set, represents a line of a WordNet file.
- :synset/gloss
- {:synset/pos [:pos/label]}
- {:synset/pointers [ Pointer pattern ]}
- {:synset/words [:word/lemma {:word/pos [:pos/label]}]}
You can limit how many pointers and words are returned:
- {(:synset/pointers :limit n) [ Pointer pattern ]}
- {(:synset/words :limit n) [ Word pattern ]}
A Pointer encodes a lexical or semantic relationship between WordNet entities.
- {:pointer/type [:pointer-type/label]}
- {:pointer/synset [ Synset pattern ]}
Use :identity to return the underlying Java object. Useful to interop directly for features not covered by data patterns.
(let [pos (-> (lookup dict
'[{:index-word/pos [:pos/label :identity]}]
{:label (:pos/label pos)
:id (.getId (:identity pos))})
;; => {:label "noun", :id 1}