This repository forked from Agora Linux-Server RTM Tutorial
The Agora Linux-Server RTM-Tutorial Sample is an open-source demo that will help you get message chat integrated directly into your Linux applications using the Agora RTM SDK.
With this sample app, you can:
- Login RTM server
- Enable multi-instance for RTM, switch over instance
- Send point to point message and receive point to point message
- Join channel
- Send channel message, receive channel message
- Get member list of the channel
- Leave channel
- Logout RTM server
- step 1:create a developer account at, and obtain an App ID.
- step 2:download the RTM sdk, extract the packet and copy '' to our project's 'lib' folder,and also copy 'AgoraBase.h','IAgoraRtmService.h','IAgoraService.h' to our project's 'include' folder.
- step 3:open our project ‘src’ folder, run ./, and according to the prompt to compile,then run ./rtmServerDemo according to the prompt please.
- Physical or virtual, more than Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS 64 bits
- You can find full API document at Document Center
- You can file bugs about this demo at issue
The MIT License (MIT).