Program for manipulations with molecules and performing computations with them
In order to build ChemWiz, you first need to clone it with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then you need to install all dependencies listed below.
- GNU Make
- C++ compiler
- qmake (part of Qt5)
- Boost: for some container types and string formatting
- C++ Bitmap Library: to support the "Image" type (
- PicoSHA2: to compute cryptographic hashes (
- Cblas: headers used by the rmsd++ headers, actual functions come from OpenBlas
- Lapacke: headers used by the rmsd++ headers
- nlohmann-json: for parsing of the periodic table json, etc.
- rang: to print colored and styled text to the terminal (
- (optional) mmtf-cpp: for parsing chemical structures in the MMTF format (
- MiniDNN: the neural network library
- Eigen3: the linear algebra library
- pugixml: to parse XML for the executable that is only used during build
- MuJS: for running JavaScript code that is used for scripting (
- OpenSSL: for crypto used to access https:// URLs
- OpenBLAS: used by the 'rmsd' code for matrix computations
- SQLite3: to save results and persistent state across runs. The library is loaded dynamically by the JS code, the executable isn't linked with it.
- Qhull: to compute convex hulls of molecules (
- (optional) OpenBabel: for parsing molecules in SMILES format (
- (optional) libdsrpdb: for parsing proteins in the PDB format (or perhaps any large and complex molecules) (
- Qt5 components: core and webenginewidgets (used only by the browser in qt5-QtWebEngine-browser/)
- (optional) Jmol: for converting molecules to 3-D images, the executable 'jmoldata' is run from the scripts (
- (optional) ffmpeg: for converting frames (images) to movies, the executable 'ffmpeg' is run from the scripts (
All optional library dependencies have corresponding build switches in the form USE_xx.
- rmsd library (, BSD 2-Clause licensed): Jimmy Charnley Kromann's rmsd library for Root-Mean-Square-Deviation calculation
- Jmol produces invalid (not entirely valid) PNGs: