This is server part of alternative software for DIY pet feeder, based on modified smart pet feeder Petwant PF-103. Please check this links for more information: - npm module for communication with Petwant PF-103 microcontroller board. - useful information about modifying your Petwant PF-103. - Web UI app.
Here is no security measures whatsoever (no traffic encryption, authentication and authorization), use it on your own risk. Consider this version 1.0.0 as proof-of-concept or as a beta version.
- Ability to have different types of "transports" (web sockets, bluetooth, etc) for communication with client apps. Just one implemented right now over and JSON-RPC 2.0
- Service announcement over Bonjour. For later use in mobile app.
- Can run reliable with PM2 process manager.
- Automatically synchronizes the Petwant PF-103 clock.
- Records videos to the gallery when automatic feeding has started.
- Has user-friendly events for the client apps and more detailed logs on the server.
- Ability to send realtime notifications to all users over all transports or to one particular user.
- Videos and events database.
- Stream live video h264 feed from the camera without re-encoding.
- Can get and edit schedule from the Petwant PF-103. All device-relevant events will apear in database as well.
We assume that you have already installed Raspbian Lite OS on your Raspberry Pi. And you have WiFi and internet connection on it with node js installed.
1. Clone this repository on your Raspberry Pi, that connected to your Petwant PF-103 board (Please check this link how to get it working: Wiki)
git clone
cd petfeeder-backend
npm install
sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep `readlink -f \`which node\``
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
npm install pm2 -g
sudo apt-get install mongodb
sudo service mongodb start
cd petfeeder-backend
pm2 start index.js
# Freeze your process list across server restart
pm2 save
# Generate Startup Script
pm2 startup
# Logs
pm2 logs 0 --lines 150
Server should be up and running at this point. It should light up the power indicator "Power LED" on your pet feeder.
Can be found on petfeeder-server.json
- Server lights up the power indicator "Power LED" on startup and switching it off on process exit or crash.
- When camera is in use - power indicator will blink to indicate camera activity.
- Server will record 30 sec videos on scheduled feeding. It will convert raw h264 file to mp4 file in background then (for later downloads) and generate 4 thumbnail png files for displaying them as animated preview on client apps. File has 4 states in database: -1 marked for deletion, 0 - recording has started, 1 - converted, 2 - thumbnails ready. Server will delete all this files (h264, mp4, 4 x pngs) on gallery entry deletion from the database.
- Server can stream (to multiple users simultaneously) and record at the same time (that is why we need raw stream without re-encoding, to get good performance on Raspberry Pi)
- "Link LED" on the front panel of the Petwant PF-103 is reserved for indication of link with some internet service. Not in use now, not implemented yet.
- Different users has ability to edit schedule at the same time. So keep that in mind. That will be fixed in next version.
- Video streaming has a bug, second connected user can't get video stream. How to reproduce this bug:
Open 2 browser windows
Start video on 1st window - got video stream
Start video on 2nd window - no video stream
Stop video on 2nd window
Stop video on 1st window
Start video on 2nd window - got video stream
Start video on 1st window - got video stream - If server starts recording when user watching stream from the camera - recorded video file is corrupted, without NAL headers (same issue with piped streams as issue above)
- rpi-gpio module sometimes throwing an error on startup. Just restart server again (PM2 will do it for you).
So yes, still have plenty of work here. I will fix that in next versions. Feel free to open issue if you find something else.
Have fun hacking and happy hollydays! (2019.12.28)