Repository for analyses in Yoshioka and Groner, Enabling remote field sampling of fatty acids in marine crab tissues with ambient-temperature preservation.
CrabDTS_Analysis.R, an R script for all analyses in the manuscript,
CrabDTS_SampleLog.csv, crab samples used in this study, along with any associated biometric data,
CrabDTS_FA_data.csv, fatty acid data for all samples used in this study,
CrabDTS_Copeman_etal_2021, summarized 16:0 and 16:1n7 data from Chionoecetes crab from Table 1 of Copeman LA, Ryer CH, Eisner LB, Nielsen JM, Spencer ML, Iseri PJ, Ottmar ML (2021) Decreased lipid storage in juvenile Bering Sea crabs (Chionoecetes spp.) in a warm (2014) compared to a cold (2012) year on the southeastern Bering Sea. Polar Biol 44:1883--1901. Used for comparison of 16:0/16:1n7 logratios between studies.
This work was supported by the North Pacific Research Board, project no. 2305. An earlier version of this study was documented in a report to the NPRB and is available at [TBA].