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Download Courses Using Docker

Yoon Wai Yan edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 4 revisions

It's highly recommended to run this script if you have Docker installed so that you don't have to install and setup the dependencies, especially when you're using Windows.

To run this script using Docker, you can use both docker-compose or run the image manually. Please check out here for available command options.

For Windows user: if you're facing issues with volumes, do check out this issue for a possible issue and solution.

With Docker Compose

  1. Copy docker-compose.yml.example to docker-compose.yml. For example:
$ cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml

Edit your login credentials within the file by replacing STACKSKILLS_EMAIL and STACKSKILLS_PASSWORD with your login email and password respectively.

You can add or edit the command with options within the file by modifying the command key.

  1. Build the Docker image and execute the script
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run stackskills_dl

Without Docker Compose

$ docker build -t stackskills-dl .
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/downloads:/usr/app/downloads stackskills-dl ruby stackskills_dl.rb [OPTIONS]
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