Need to write (build) an automation testing framework system according to the requirements below, and implement some functionality
Application to implement should be using some ot the technologies, the choice is up to you: JAVA/C#, Selenium/Rest-Assured, JUnit/NUnit. The application must correctly handle the occurrence of exceptional situations, including their journaling. For logging please use Log4j/Nlog
Classes and other entities of the application must be properly structured by package and have a name reflecting their functionality.
Code design must comply with Java Code Convention or C# Coding Conventions
- Open
- Go to "Компании" page
- Open 1st company in a list
- Verify that company has an email/phone/website address
- Repeat for other 10 companies
Need to fix ajax request:
- waitAjax
- Explicit wait
- CapabilityGenerator
- firefox driver
- Selenide