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HomeWork Projects

This repo is used to complete homework. Before you do homework, you should learn frontend tech stack

how to start:

  • pnpm install
  • pnpm run dev

Tech Requirement

  • typescript + react
  • use any fetch tools you like.
  • Your code will have higher score if:
    • You split the task into smaller tasks, complete them one by one, and commit them in different git commits with proper commit messages
    • The code is clean and easy to read and understand
    • The variable and function names are considered carefully
    • Small and meaningful functions for complex logic
    • No typo and has good code format
    • Provide proper comments in code (and only when it's necessary)
  • After finish your work, please create a pull request to master branch.
  • Show your best practice.

Component Requirement

  • Components like Button, Input, Modal and etc : Use React-Bootstrap's component.
  • Custom Component, if there is no suitable component, please create new by yourself(please consider reusable)

Restful API:

mock API was provided by msw.js, you can see related code in src/mocks/handlers.ts. users data will be reset after refresh page. You can debug or test api in home page

  • GET Get all users with pagination
  • GET Get specify user By id
  • PUT update specify user

  name: 'John Bill',
  age: 43
  //...other fields should be updated
  • POST add a new user

  name: 'John Bill',
  age: 43
  //...other fields should be updated
  • Delete remove specify user








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