A simple TOOL that converts an ISO 1979-2 FMR formatted fingerprint to a NIST compatible XYT template.
using a terminal, CD to the project dir and run
mvn verify
This will create a jar file under target. Copy that jar file to your home directory.
Then edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile and add the following function
function iso2xyt(){
java -jar $HOME/iso2xy2-1.jar Iso2xyt $1 $2
then restart your terminal or run . ~/.bashrc
or . ~/.bash_profile
to convert a fmr file named foo.txt to foo.xyt do the following
iso2xyt foo.txt foo.xyt
Later you can use the xyt file for matching fingerprints using the NIST bozorth.
include maven dependency
And use in your code:
import com.yerlibilgin.biometrics.ISO2XYT;
byte []fmrBytes = ... //read bytes from somewhere
byte []xyt = ISO2XYT.iso2xyt(fmrBytes)