is a mixin for easier using of PynamoDB in tests:
allows to automatically delete data created during tests (class-data, test-data)
allows using DynamoDBLocal
The class pynamodb.Engine
is wrapped, and all the testing data are removed after the tests.
To use this mixin, just inherit your test class:
class TestMyStuff(PynamoDBMixin):
# a list of models which will be automatically created in DynamoDB
register_dynamo_models = [MyPynamoModel]
def setup_class_custom(cls):
setup_class is used in PynamoDBMixin, please use this function instead
# the following model will be deleted after all tests in this class will run
cls.instance = instance = MyPynamoModel('cls pk', {'data': True})
def teardown_class_custom(cls):
teardown_class is used in PynamoDBMixin, please use this function instead
def test_stuff(self):
# the following model will be deleted after the test
MyPynamoModel('pk', {'data': True}).save()
Connection to remote DynamoDB can be overriden and DynamoDBLocal can be used instead.
For this cause use the following environment variable:
$ MOCK_DYNAMODB=true py.test ./tests