provides various utilities for visualising and functional analysis of RNA-seq data,
particularly single-cell dataset. It evolved from a collection of helper functions that were
used in our in-house scRNA-seq processing workflow.
The package is current available only on GitHub,
so please use devtools::install_github
or remotes::install_github
function to install it.
For example:
# First, add Bioconductor repositories to the 'repos' option
options(repos = BiocManager::repositories())
# Use 'remotes' package to install scRUtils
To use scRUtils
in a R session, load it using the library()
The documentation of this package is divided into 5 sections:
- Introduction to scRUtils
- General data visualisations
- Single-cell visualisations
- Markers and DEGs
- Demo datasets
Thank you for investing your time in contributing to scRUtils. You will get an overview of the contribution workflow in this dedicated guide. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in the Contributor Code of Conduct.