Project Title - Book Bazaar
Project description - An online marketplace for selling and buying of second hand books, and free download of pdf.
Instruction for running code -
Method 1 -
Download all the files of github repository.
Have all the files in only one folder.
Open the "main.html" file. The main html file should open in browser,if it does not. follow method 2.
4.The code will run in your browser, if it does not, follow approach 2.
Method 2 -
Use the following url for directly running the code as Raw File:-
this URL is used to run html codes on github. The main file is converted to raw file by help of "" Website. For more information, Follow and see our Short Video on explanation of the webpage:-
if any problem or queries occurs, Please do contact us on the following Numbers(Whatsapp Available Too) OR Gmail us:- 8806775597 - [email protected] 7028553721 - [email protected] 7028552589 - [email protected] 9322576767 - [email protected]
Thank You, CODEMENT Team,
From, TeamAspirez.