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R Tree Index
Chris Ballinger edited this page Aug 10, 2015
1 revision
If you want to use Yap with a lot of geospatial data (e.g. things with latitude/longitude), it's helpful to use the YapDatabaseRTreeIndex extension to speed things up. From the R-Tree sqlite docs:
An R-Tree is a special index that is designed for doing range queries. R-Trees are most commonly used in geospatial systems where each entry is a rectangle with minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates. Given a query rectangle, an R-Tree is able to quickly find all entries that are contained within the query rectangle or which overlap the query rectangle.
- The R-Tree module is included by default in the system sqlite3.dylib on iOS 8 or higher.
- For earlier iOS versions you'll need to compile sqlite yourself.
- Not sure about minimum version for OS X support (maybe 10.10?)
Adapt these samples to your needs.
let setup = YapDatabaseRTreeIndexSetup()
let setup = YapDatabaseRTreeIndexSetup()
setup.setColumns(["minLon", "maxLon", "minLat", "maxLat"])
let handler = YapDatabaseRTreeIndexHandler.withObjectBlock({ (d: NSMutableDictionary!, collection: String!, key: String!, object: AnyObject!) -> Void in
if let item = object as? LonlatObject {
d["minLon"] = item.lon
d["maxLon"] = item.lon
d["minLat"] = item.lat
d["maxLat"] = item.lat
let ext = YapDatabaseRTreeIndex(setup: setup, handler: handler, versionTag: "1.0")
yapDb.db.registerExtension(ext, withName: RTreeTest.indexName)
_rTreeIndex = @"RTreeIndex";
YapDatabaseRTreeIndexSetup *setup = [[YapDatabaseRTreeIndexSetup alloc] init];
[setup setColumns:@[RTreeMinLat,
YapDatabaseRTreeIndexHandler *handler = [YapDatabaseRTreeIndexHandler withObjectBlock:^(NSMutableDictionary *dict, NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[BRCDataObject class]]) {
BRCDataObject *dataObject = object;
dict[RTreeMinLat] = @(dataObject.coordinate.latitude);
dict[RTreeMaxLat] = @(dataObject.coordinate.latitude);
dict[RTreeMinLon] = @(dataObject.coordinate.longitude);
dict[RTreeMaxLon] = @(dataObject.coordinate.longitude);
YapDatabaseRTreeIndexOptions *options = [[YapDatabaseRTreeIndexOptions alloc] init];
NSSet *allowedCollections = [NSSet setWithArray:@[]];
options.allowedCollections = [[YapWhitelistBlacklist alloc] initWithWhitelist:allowedCollections];
YapDatabaseRTreeIndex *rTree = [[YapDatabaseRTreeIndex alloc] initWithSetup:setup handler:handler versionTag:@"1" options:options];
BOOL success = [self.database registerExtension:rTree withName:self.rTreeIndex];
NSLog(@"%@ %d", self.rTreeIndex, success);
var arguments: [CVarArgType] = [minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat].map({NSNumber(double: $0)}) // must be var to get a pointer, must be a NSObject to be formatted
let queryString = "WHERE minLon >= ? AND maxLon <= ? AND minLat >= ? AND maxLat <= ?"
let query = withVaList(arguments, { (pointer: CVaListPointer) -> YapDatabaseQuery in
return YapDatabaseQuery(format: queryString, arguments: pointer)
var items: [LonlatObject] = []
yapDb.readConnection.readWithBlock({ (transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) in
if let index = transaction.ext("rTreeIndex") as? YapDatabaseRTreeIndexTransaction {
let enumerateBlock: (String!, String!, AnyObject!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void = {
(collection: String!, key: String!, object: AnyObject!, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
if let item = object as? LonlatObject {
index.enumerateKeysAndObjectsMatchingQuery(query, usingBlock: enumerateBlock)
return items
- (void) queryObjectsInMinCoord:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)minCoord
resultsBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *results))resultsBlock {
if (!resultsBlock) {
if (!completionQueue) {
completionQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
NSString *queryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"WHERE %@ >= ? AND %@ <= ? AND %@ >= ? AND %@ <= ?",
CLLocationDegrees minLat = minCoord.latitude;
CLLocationDegrees minLon = minCoord.longitude;
CLLocationDegrees maxLat = maxCoord.latitude;
CLLocationDegrees maxLon = maxCoord.longitude;
NSArray *paramters = @[@(minLon),
YapDatabaseQuery *query = [YapDatabaseQuery queryWithString:queryString parameters:paramters];
[self.readConnection asyncReadWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
YapDatabaseRTreeIndexTransaction *rTree = [transaction ext:self.rTreeIndex];
[rTree enumerateKeysAndObjectsMatchingQuery:query usingBlock:^(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, BOOL *stop) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[BRCDataObject class]]) {
[results addObject:object];
} completionQueue:completionQueue completionBlock:^{