The missing "align and distribute layers" functionality!
- Open Tools → Scripts → Import Python Plugin from File ...
- Select file and install
- Open Krita, in Settings → Manage Resources click on the "Open Resource Folder" button
- Open "pykrita" folder
- Copy all files from plugin .zip file (arrangeLayers folder and arrangeLayers.desktop) to the "pykrita" folder
Restart Krita.
- Enable the plugin "Arrange Layers" in Settings → Configure Krita → Python Plugin Manager or Krita → Preferences... → Python Plugin Manager (MacOS)
- Check "Arrange Layers" docker in Settings → Dockers
- New "Arrange Layers" docker should be present in right part of the screen
- Click on a layer to make it active
- Ctrl-click on layers to arrange
- Press one of the buttons in docker or select an item in Layers → Arrange Layers to align with the active layer, distribute the selected layers and the active layer, or make the widths or heights equal to one of the active layer
- When only one layer is selected and active, the active layer would be aligned to document page