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Merge pull request #1 from yandex-cloud-examples/feature/YCDOCIO-3522…
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YCDOCIO-3522: Added TF file and readme
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vnkiryushkin authored Apr 12, 2024
2 parents ce60fff + 01a6133 commit 55f4524
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Showing 2 changed files with 269 additions and 4 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Название сценария
# Логирование Ingress-контроллеров Yandex Application Load Balancer в кластере Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes®

Описание сценария и инструкция по его применению.

Для практических руководств обязательна ссылка на документацию.
Вы можете задать настройки логирования для L7-балансировщиков, созданных с помощью [Ingress-контроллеров]( [Application Load Balancer]( в кластере [Managed Service for Kubernetes®]( Подготовка инфраструктуры для Managed Service for Kubernetes® и Container Registry через Terraform описана в [практическом руководстве](, необходимый для настройки конфигурационный файл []( расположен в этом репозитории.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
# Infrastructure for Yandex Cloud Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster and Container Registry
# RU:
# EN:

# Set the configuration of Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster, Container Registry, and Cloud Logging
locals {
folder_id = "" # Your cloud folder ID, same as for provider
k8s_version = "" # Desired version of Kubernetes. For available versions, see the documentation main page:
sa_k8s = "" # Service account name for Kubernetes cluster. It must be unique in a cloud.
sa_alb = "" # Service account name for the ALB ingress controller. It must be unique in a cloud.
loggroup_name = "" # Log group name for Cloud Logging.

# The following settings are predefined. Change them only if necessary.
network_name = "k8s-network" # Name of the network
subnet_name = "subnet-a" # Name of the subnet
zone_a_v4_cidr_blocks = "" # CIDR block for the subnet in the ru-central1-a availability zone
main_security_group_name = "k8s-main-sg" # Name of the main security group of the cluster
public_services_sg_name = "k8s-public-services" # Name of the public services security group for node groups
k8s_cluster_name = "k8s-cluster" # Name of the Kubernetes cluster
k8s_node_group_name = "k8s-node-group" # Name of the Kubernetes node group

resource "yandex_vpc_network" "k8s-network" {
description = "Network for the Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster"
name = local.network_name

resource "yandex_vpc_subnet" "subnet-a" {
description = "Subnet in ru-central1-a availability zone"
name = local.subnet_name
zone = "ru-central1-a"
network_id =
v4_cidr_blocks = [local.zone_a_v4_cidr_blocks]

resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "k8s-main-sg" {
description = "Security group ensure the basic performance of the cluster. Apply it to the cluster and node groups."
name = local.main_security_group_name
network_id =

ingress {
description = "The rule allows availability checks from the load balancer's range of addresses. It is required for the operation of a fault-tolerant cluster and load balancer services."
protocol = "TCP"
v4_cidr_blocks = ["", ""] # The load balancer's address range
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535

ingress {
description = "The rule allows the master-node and node-node interaction within the security group"
protocol = "ANY"
predefined_target = "self_security_group"
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535

ingress {
description = "The rule allows the pod-pod and service-service interaction. Specify the subnets of your cluster and services."
protocol = "ANY"
v4_cidr_blocks = [local.zone_a_v4_cidr_blocks]
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535

ingress {
description = "The rule allows receipt of debugging ICMP packets from internal subnets"
protocol = "ICMP"
v4_cidr_blocks = [local.zone_a_v4_cidr_blocks]

ingress {
description = "The rule allows connection to Kubernetes API on 6443 port from specified network"
protocol = "TCP"
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
port = 6443

ingress {
description = "The rule allows connection to Kubernetes API on 443 port from specified network"
protocol = "TCP"
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
port = 443

ingress {
description = "The rule allows HTTP traffic"
protocol = "TCP"
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
port = 80

egress {
description = "The rule allows all outgoing traffic. Nodes can connect to Yandex Container Registry, Object Storage, Docker Hub, and more."
protocol = "ANY"
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
from_port = 0
to_port = 65535

resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "k8s-public-services" {
description = "Security group allows connections to services from the internet. Apply the rules only for node groups."
name = local.public_services_sg_name
network_id =

ingress {
description = "The rule allows incoming traffic from the internet to the NodePort port range. Add ports or change existing ones to the required ports."
protocol = "TCP"
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
from_port = 30000
to_port = 32767

resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "k8s-sa" {
description = "Service account to manage the Kubernetes cluster and node group"
name = local.sa_k8s

# Assign "editor" role to Kubernetes service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "editor" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "editor"
members = [

# Assign "container-registry.images.puller" role to Kubernetes service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "images-puller" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "container-registry.images.puller"
members = [

resource "yandex_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s-cluster" {
description = "Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster"
name = local.k8s_cluster_name
network_id =

master {
version = local.k8s_version
master_location {
zone =
subnet_id =

public_ip = true

security_group_ids = []

service_account_id = # Cluster service account ID
node_service_account_id = # Node group service account ID
depends_on = [

resource "yandex_kubernetes_node_group" "k8s-node-group" {
description = "Node group for Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster"
name = local.k8s_node_group_name
cluster_id =
version = local.k8s_version

scale_policy {
fixed_scale {
size = 1 # Number of hosts

allocation_policy {
location {
zone = "ru-central1-a"

instance_template {
platform_id = "standard-v2"

network_interface {
nat = true
subnet_ids = []
security_group_ids = [,]

resources {
memory = 4 # RAM quantity in GB
cores = 2 # Number of CPU cores

boot_disk {
type = "network-hdd"
size = 64 # Disk size in GB

resource "yandex_logging_group" "logging-group" {
description = "Cloud Logging group"
name = local.loggroup_name
folder_id = local.folder_id

resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "sa-alb" {
description = "Service account for the ALB ingress controller to run"
name = local.sa_alb

# Assign "alb.editor" role to service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "alb-editor" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "alb.editor"
members = [

# Assign "vpc.publicAdmin" role to service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "vpc-publicAdmin" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "vpc.publicAdmin"
members = [

# Assign "certificate-manager.certificates.downloader" role to service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "certificates-downloader" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "certificate-manager.certificates.downloader"
members = [

# Assign "compute.viewer" role to service account
resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_binding" "compute-viewer" {
folder_id = local.folder_id
role = "compute.viewer"
members = [

resource "yandex_iam_service_account_key" "sa-auth-key" {
description = "Authorized key for service accaunt"
service_account_id =

# Local file with authorized key data
resource "local_sensitive_file" "key-json" {
content = jsonencode({
"id" : "${}",
"service_account_id" : "${}",
"created_at" : "${}",
"key_algorithm" : "${}",
"public_key" : "${}",
"private_key" : "${}"
filename = "key.json"

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