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DISKS is a program to generate concentric distribution of equal-mass particles to realize disks of a user-specified density distribution by placing particles in concentric rings. All you have to do is choice of a density profile and parameters of a disk.
The current version is 1.1. The previous version is here.
If you have any question or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our e-mail address is We also describe the detail of this algorithm in Yamamoto et al. (submitted).


Please enter "make" to compile and "./a.out" to execute.



    In default, the parameters are given below
    density profile = r^(-1)
    inner edge = 1.0
    outer edge = 4.0
    cut edge = 1.0
    (start point to place particles)
    the number of a ring at cut edge = 20
    the number of particles in a ring = 40
    (it is used with only slope is -2 at cut edge.)
    tolerance = 10^(-8)


    2.1 Density Profile options:

    -d, --denstype TYPE
    create the density profile specified by TYPE.

    TYPE density profile type function
    1 power-law except slope = -2 A * r^(B)
    2 power-law with slope = -2 A * r^(-2)
    3 exponential density profile A * e^(B * r)
    4 post giant impact disk (Ar + C) * e^(B * r)
    5 user defined user defined

    -P, --paramter VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3...
    change the coefficients of the density profile to VALUE.
    We set A = VALUE1, B = VALUE2, C = VALUE3.


    • Enter "./a.out -d 3 -P 4.0".
      The density profile is set 4e^(-r).

    • Enter "./a.out -d 1 -P 2.0,-1.2".
      The density profile is set 2r^(-1.2).

    • Enter "./a.out -P 2.0,-1.2".
      The density profile is set 2r^(-1.2).

    If you want to choose user defined density profile, please edit "userdefined.h". Some examples are written in the file.

    2.2 Disk Parameters options:

    -I, --inneredge VALUE
    change the position of the inner edge to VALUE.
    It must be a non-negative number or 0.

    -O, --outeredge VALUE
    change the position of the outer edge to VALUE.
    It must be larger than 0.

    -C, --cutedge VALUE
    change the position of the cut edge to VALUE.
    The cut edge must be between the inner edge and the outer edge.

    -i, --icut VALUE
    change the number of a ring at the cut edge to VALUE.
    It must be integer greater than 0.

    -n, --npzero VALUE
    change the number of particles in a ring to VALUE.
    It must be integer greater than 0 and is used with only slope = -2 at the cut edge.


    • Enter "./a.out -I 2.0 -O 5.0 -C 3.0 -i 30".
      A disk, whose range is r = [2.0:5.0], is generated.
      Placement of particles is stated at r = 3.0.
      The number of a ring at the cut edge is set to 30.

    • Enter "./a.out -O 5.0 -i 30".
      A disk, whose range is r = [1.0:5.0], is generated.
      Placement of particles is stated at r = 1.0.
      The number of a ring at the cut edge is set to 30.

    2.3 Other options:

    -o --output FILE
    write result to FILE instead of standard output [filename].


    • Enter "./a.out -o test.dat".

    -t --tolerance VALUE
    change the value of the tolerance to VALUE.

    -p --outputdens
    calculate the density of particles.
    Note that there are large error near the inner edge and the outer edge because of low-order of SPH approximation. In addition, it takes N^2 times, where N is the number of particles.

    -h --help
    display help.

  3. Output Data

    The parameters of particles are outputted. From left to right, the values mean
    (particle id, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, radius, density).
    If you do not choose the option -p, values of density are set to 0.

  4. Errors

    If there are errors in this program, an error message is outputted.

    4.1 Error: The number of iterations for deriving parameters of the ring is over 'number'.
    We put a ceiling to the number of iterations for calculating the parameters of particles for the degrees of freedom of a tolerace.
    If you want to change the maximum number of iterations, please change the parameter max_iteration (l.30 in

    4.2 Error: Please increase the number of a ring at the cut edge or decrease the value of the cut edge by changing the parameter of the option -i or -C.
    The optimal number of particles at i-th ring becomes negative. It can be avoided to change the parameter of the option -i or -C.

    4.3 Error: The number of particles in a ring is zero. Please change the parameter of the option -n.
    For the slope = -2 at the cut edge, the number of a ring is given by the option -n and the parameter must be integer greater than 0.

    4.4 Error: Please change the cut edge or the inner edge by changing the parameter of the option -C or -I.
    The mass is non-number or negative. It can be avoided to change the parameter of option -C or -I.

    4.5 Error: Fail to open 'file name'. Please change the filename by the option -f.
    The file-name is invalid. Please change file name.

    4.6 Error: Invalid option 'option'.
    You choose an invalid option. But it dose not effect the program.

    4.7 Error: Invalid type of the density profile. Please change the parameter of the option -d.
    You choose an invalid type of a density profile. The type of density profile is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (see 2.1).

    4.8 Error: Invalid value of the inner edge. Please change the parameter of the option -I.
    You choose an invalid value of the inner edge. The value must be non-negative or 0.

    4.9 Error: Invalid value of the outer edge. Please change the parameter of the option -O.
    You choose an invalid value of the outer edge. The value must be larger than 0.

    4.10 Error: Invalid value of the cut edge. Please change the parameter of the option -C.
    You choose an invalid value of the cut edge. The cut edge must be between the inner edge and the outer edge.

    4.11 Error: Invalid number of a ring at the cut edge. Please change the parameter of the option -i.
    You choose an invalid number of a ring at the cut edge. It must be integer greater than 0.

  5. Examples:

    • Enter "./a.out -d 2 -i 10 -O 5.0 -n 40 ".
      You can get the left-hand side in figure 5 in the article.

    • Enter "./a.out -P 1.0,-1.9 -i 60 -O 5.0 ".
      You can get the right-hand side in figure 5 in the article.

    • Enter "./a.out -P 1.0,-1.45 ".
      You can get the right-hand side in figure 6 in the article.

    • Enter "./a.out -d 3 -i 15 ".
      You can get the left-hand side in figure 9 in the article.

    • Enter "./a.out -d 4 -I 2.0 -C 2.0 -i 10 ".
      You can get the right-hand side in figure 9 in the article.

    • Enter "./a.out -d 3 -P 1.0,-0.5 -I 0.0 -O 3.0 -C 0.1 -i 1 -o test.dat".
      A disk, whose density profile is e^(-0.5r) and range is r = [0.0:3.0], is generated.
      Placement of particles is stated at r = 0.1.
      The number of a ring at the cut edge is set to 1.
      The output file is "./test.dat".

    • Enter "./a.out -P 4.0,-3.0 -I 2.0 -C 2.0 -i 50".
      A disk, whose density profile is 4r^(-3.0) and range is r = [2.0:4.0], is generated.
      Placement of particles is stated at r = 2.0.
      The number of a ring at the cut edge is set to 50.

    • Enter "./a.out -d 2 -n 40".
      A disk, whose density profile is r^(-2) and range is r = [1.0:4.0], is generated.
      Placement of particles is stated at r = 1.0.
      The number of a ring at the cut edge is set to 20.
      The number of particles for each ring is set to 40.

#Recent Updates Ver.1.1
* Density profile with variable parameters is supported.
* The options to choose parameters of a density profile is unified from -P and -S to -P.
* We get rid of the error that there is an maximum value of the memory of the number of rings.
* Small bugs are fixed.
* We can compile this code with C++11 and C++03.

##Authors Satoko Yamamoto, Natsuki Hosono, Yoko Funato, Junichiro Makino

Copyright 2016- Satoko Yamamoto, Natsuki Hosono, Yoko Funato, Junichiro Makino


Program Disks-IC







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