Releases: yalesites-org/atomic
Releases · yalesites-org/atomic
1.16.0 (2023-06-30)
Bug Fixes
- nyus-1261: refine pencil placement responsiveness, fix pencil icon in Chrome (e71a3b5)
- yalb-1262: change rollover appearance in admin table label + yalb-1251 (604ee97)
- yalb-1263: add fix targeting last-child of layout--onecol since there can be multiple (5755109)
- yalb-1263: apply last element in div layout bottom margin rules (4f04a6b)
- yalb-1263: fix selectors now that div is gone (187fb35)
- yalb-1263: fix selectors now that div is gone - part 2 (70c71e6)
- yalb-1263: fix selectors now that div is gone - part 3 (ed900e5)
- yalb-1263: more specific targeting of layout-builder (011f179)
- yalb-1263: more specific targeting of layout-builder (5c1538a)
- yalb-1263: remove div wrapping each component unless we're in layout-builder (726aba4)
- yalb-1263: target the last instance of specific components :last-child (1d731c0)
- yalb-1263: update bottom margin specificity (843f3cb)
- yalb-1263: update bottom margin specificity - take five (7f6ed61)
- yalb-1263: update bottom margin specificity - take four (ac1a790)
- YALB-1295: Display date should match publish date field (bcb2c88)
- yalb-1296: fix for table hovers in text component (58d9711)
- yalb-1296: fix for table hovers in text component - with correct color (4a59649)
- YALB-1318: Prevent adding more than the number of images allowed for a limited media item field. (0e6477f)
- yalb-1418: fix event title display - include yds-event-meta with event_title__heading (5028536)
- yalb-1263: add cta-banner and grand-hero to zero margin last-child rules (6bb53b5)
- yalb-1263: add empty lines to eof (2931f2e)
- yalb-1263: add rule for last .layout element (bfec3e0)
- yalb-1263: adding comments (aa9c4fe)
- yalb-1263: adding drupal-specific styles to fix spacing issues with layout builder classes (a09c76c)
- YALB-1263: Move component wrapper to status-messages.html.twig (92dee05)
1.15.0 (2023-06-23)
Bug Fixes
- YALB-1197: move defaults above attribute sets (7e4c67f)
- YALB-1197: use embed component (ea70b4f)
- YALB-1197: use iframe directly (8b98fea)
- YALB-1288: Reworks template for no results text vs new search text (acbf461)
- YALB-1300: Fixes issues with event format, no date/time, and add to calendar (8dc5735)
- YALB-1300: Replace field_event_format with field_event_type to show on event cards and lists (234d841)
- YALB-1317: Fix error when duplicating gallery paragraphs with modal content (c298528)
1.14.0 (2023-06-01)
Bug Fixes
- YALB-1198: Add search button text (6769a99)
- YALB-1198: Add ajax ability to calendar and post lists for pagination and filtering (1816cd6)
- yalb-1198: add select template (bda28c5)
- YALB-1198: Styling filter form (c19a465)
- YALB-1232: Add/modify post list templates to support category filter (eaec28c)
- yalb-609: add card and list view mode templates (28894c5)
- yalb-609: adjust page list view template (d074948)
1.13.0 (2023-05-24)
Bug Fixes
- yalb-1145: add template for button theme (5ec84e2)
- yalb-1145: add templates for footer-theme, header-theme (71a3e5c)
- yalb-1145: update footer theme labels (7c34569)
- yalb-1145: update logic for new header/footer label names (7b35391)
- yalb-1145: update with current_global_theme variable (525bc87)
- yalb-1145: WIP update templates with colors (e5e8fa4)
1.12.0 (2023-05-18)
Bug Fixes
- admin-theme: fix font use and colors (6fb9098)
- admin-theme: new line at end of file (4393b7d)
- admin-theme: remove dark mode for now (ecccc79)
- admin-theme: update colors, remove important statements in favor of re-mapping vars (28df057)
- admin-theme: update colors, remove important statements in favor of re-mapping vars (5ac45ab)
- button-fix: fix .gin-secondary-toolbar button text color (d285517)
- button-fix: fix [data-gin-accent=light_blue] .ui-dialog-titlebar .ui-dialog-title and icon (fe3e60e)
- button-fix: fix [data-gin-accent=light_blue] text color (3bab7f8)
- button-fix: fix [data-gin-accent=light_blue] ws-lb-link__label bg color (9867048)
- button-fix: fix modal element colors (a93d978)
- yalb-1163: add fontawesome as library, add button-link tpl, fix grand hero (fd4fe1b)
- yalb-1163: add modifier to remove top margin (4af9d79)
- yalb-1163: changing field mapping back to what they were, fixing keys in main repo (4028864)
- yalb-1163: fix conditional attributes (5587824)
- yalb-1163: wrap button-links in cta-group (2c4d68e)
- yalb-1185: fix twig nested block syntax for Drupal 10 (47c4d12)
- yalb-1185: fix twig nested block syntax for Drupal 10 (7035691)
- yalb-1185: remove core line for Drupal 10 compatibility (53f3086)
- yalb-1185: update atomic version requirement for Drupal 10 (68f8f35)
- YALB-1195: Add title to calendar link (3ff29c6)
- YALB-1195: all day now detected (5b86a37)
- YALB-1195: convert start/end to DateTimes (f4424c5)
- YALB-1195: field_event_format can pass data (e5c39d2)
- YALB-1195: location text matches component (08daf51)
- YALB-1195: node variables used (dbe9973)
- YALB-395: Fix conditional statement if no fallback image is supplied (18c7493)
- yalb-987: modal styles (c56b23d)
- YALB-1195: Add placholder calendar link (fcaef35)
- YALB-1195: placeholder for 'Add to calendar' (04bd3ae)
- YALB-1205: Add dynamic button style to search form (5341e1e)
- YALB-395: Add logic to twig to choose fallback image if one in the node is not set (8163764)
- YALB-395: Add teaser default image if one does not exist in the node (424c56c)
1.10.3 (2023-04-27)
Bug Fixes
- yalb-1141: fix alignment - conditionals in block templates (2d69210)
- yalb-1141: fix alignment - conditionals in block templates (177ee48)
- yalb-1141: update block templates for alignment (f52a911)
- yalb-1141: update data-attributes (c5084bb)
- yalb-1141: wrap views component in component-wrapper to fix alignment. (9a7a59b)