Releases: yalesites-org/atomic
Releases · yalesites-org/atomic
1.21.0 (2023-10-03)
Bug Fixes
- updating to latest component library (976475f)
- YALB-1527: add html.html template to include new skip-link component (91d5489)
- YALB-1527: update chosen input color (eff77bc)
- YALB-1562: update form settings to use slots 6-8, simplify (4ac0a43)
- YALB-1562: Add templates for header and footer accent form fields (4f94b5e)
1.20.1 (2023-09-21)
Bug Fixes
- YALB-1559: source fonts from dist directory of component-library-twig (#175) (536ae0f)
- YALB-admin-theme: fix contextual link overlap with other short components (854808b)
- YALB-block-wrapper: change max-length color to our gin-color-danger-light variable (5cd945c)
- YALB-block-wrapper: fix block-wrapper p elements, remove margin (1ead01f)
- YALB-email-copy-button: add new library (4e00fc3)
- YALB-maxlength: fix maxlength error color - to wool (b4d71fe)
1.20.0 (2023-09-13)
Bug Fixes
- yalb-1215: wire heading_level to field_heading_level (45267c0)
- YALB-1291: Remove before/after black boxes for tabs/accordions when adding tables to CKEditor field (9de9927)
- yalb-1416: add ternary check for heading value (7dc0109)
- yalb-1486: update template with 'mega' footer variation (d153b5d)
- yalb-1501-alt: box-shadows and dropdown-button (21880e8)
- yalb-1501-alt: fix accordion action button spacing, remove gradient (d3b92d3)
- yalb-1501-alt: remove unnecessary styles (5aa9987)
- yalb-1501-alt: update bg color on toggles to only alert settings, adjust alert focus/active border color (8cef978)
- yalb-1501-alt: update danger button (6a940ff)
- yalb-1501-alt: update edit pencil appearance on two-column components (063eda4)
- yalb-1501-alt: update form-input bg color (ac92140)
- yalb-1501: add back pencil icon and layout builder fixes 🤦 (42d859f)
- yalb-1501: changing the theme to dark mode and streamlining overrides (0fb73e6)
- yalb-1501: cleanup unused css vars (77cad75)
- yalb-1501: cleanup unused css vars and refining the use of some others (bda9db1)
- yalb-1501: fix type in css selector (b0bad2a)
- yalb-1501: make secondary bar fixed again (38613f4)
- yalb-1501: updae ckeditor button text color and border (a18db23)
- yalb-1501: update alert css, dialog ui titlebar, embed component styles (3c30a20)
- yalb-1501: update contrast - make main content sections darker to meet passing contrast ratio (73708e8)
- yalb-1501: update remove button colors (dd85873)
- yalb-1501: update variable color for gin-pattern-fallback (10aa13a)
- yalb-1501: wingsuit fixes, and views-basic fixes (59cddc0)
- yalb-1510: add fontawesome library to main menu (2e9783f)
- yalb-1552: add legend fix to this branch (57425d4)
- yalb-1552: fix media library ui elements visibility - add border color (c289ff5)
- yalb-1552: update checkbox toggle styles for clarity (5660c58)
- yalb-1552: update checkbox toggle styles for clarity (faedea5)
- yalb-1552: update form-item bg color for checkbox contrast (59ae96f)
- yalb-1552: update media grid pattern-fallback color var (d955140)
- yalb-1552: update messages border (38312a1)
- yalb-mega-footer: add bg color for legend (39ebbee)
- yalb-mega-footer: cleanup (cf06a6a)
- yalb-mega-footer: update legend styles (f226b31)
1.18.0 (2023-08-19)
Bug Fixes
- Add styling to move "locked" pencil icon to the left to match the other layout builder edit icons (35e12e2)
- Add template for breadcrumb block to remove extra div (c088004)
- updating to latest component library (2db367a)
- yalb-1478: add card_collection__width conditionals based on parentNode (3b8f7ab)
- yalb-85: add block template to remove wrapping div element (2d02b6f)
- yalb-85: add bottom margin to breadcrumbs on profile nodes (255217d)
- yalb-85: add visual indicators for sections (9657321)
- yalb-85: update templates (64052a7)
- Add body class with node type (4397b03)
- YALB-1439: Remove event meta from main event template - replaced in block for use with layout builder (32f0713)
- YALB-1441: Add template for profiles, update post template (6f53689)
- YALB-1478: Add template for exposed filter for directory view (ba14c38)
- YALB-1478: Add templates and update existing templates for different profile views as well as condensed view for other content types (316b79a)
- YALB-1478: Update template for condensed page display (957da8b)
1.17.0 (2023-07-31)
Bug Fixes
- updating to latest component library (434a359)
- yalb-1388: add embed__width to layout builder template to limit size (d49d6ac)
- YALB-1394: Check to see if we have a parent entity - fix error new layout builder (ed020f9)
- YALB-1394: fix header level for accordion items (05afc6e)
- YALB-1394: pass correct field_heading element (00d0001)
- YALB-1394: pass correct media_grid__heading (6c2997f)
- YALB-1394: pass correct media_grid__heading (ddc5ea1)
- YALB-1394: pass corrrect modal_item__heading (bd0e5d9)
- yalb-1407: move quote p element flex/margin fix to atomic as it's a drupal thing (0c2e9c5)
- YALB-1422: create ckeditor css overrides (38b2d20)
- YALB-1442: Fix contrast ratio for title (b582d67)
- YALB-1442: fix title to match other styling (5f6b765)
- YALB-1442: style select and remove tr colors (70f54db)
- yalb-1461: change --gin-bg-app and ::selection colors (2cd67af)
- yalb-1461: fix accordion and button block headings (d72b522)
- yalb-1461: fix admin colors (265680b)
- yalb-1461: fix button-link component width on post/event content (b610924)
- yalb-1461: fix reverted file values (1196efe)
- yalb-1461: fix table rows (3778ac3)
- yalb-1461: fixes for media library and specific field variations (edaf00f)
- yalb-1461: fixes views displays (4e24583)
- yalb-1461: remove wool background from editable content area (2152113)
- yalb-1461: wip admin color changes (6e50b78)
- yalb-1461: wip admin color changes, update toolbar (677acf1)