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Andy Feng edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 2 revisions

CaffeOnSpark Command Line

spark-submit ... \
    --conf spark.driver.extraLibraryPath="<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>" \
    --conf spark.executorEnv.LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>" \
    --class <CAFFE_ON_SPARK_JAR> \

CaffeOnSpark users could use spark-submit as its command line outlined above.

  • <CAFFE_SOLVER_PROTOTXT> ... the file path of your Caffe solver prototxt file
  • <CAFFE_NET_PROTOTXT> ... the file path of your Caffe network prototxt file
  • <LD_LIBRARY_PATH> ... Library path for CaffeOnSpark to locate necessary .so files, including, and their dependencies (ex. cuda, lmdbjni).
  • <CAFFE_ON_SPARK_JAR> ... the file path of CaffeOnSpark jar file (caffe-grid-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar).

CaffeOnSpark are a collection of arguments listed below.

Argument Description
-conf <Conf> solver prototxt file
-train training mode
-test test mode
-features <f1,f2,...> feature extraction mode. A list of features are separated by comma
-label <Label> blob name for label
-devices <Num> number of devices (CPU or GPU) per executor. default: 1
-connection <Conn> network connection interface, either ethernet or infiniband (default)
-model <File> output model file URL (file:// or hdfs://...)
-weights <File> input model file as initial weights for training, either used with "-snapshot" or used alone.
-snapshot <File> input state file URL (file:// or hdfs://) for resuming training. "-weights" is also required together with this option.
-outputFormat <Format> feature output format. should be either json (default) or parquet.
-resize resize input images. The height and width are specified in memory data layer of the prototxt file.
-clusterSize <#Executors> the number of executors to be used. Only used by Spark YARN clusters.
-persistent Indicate that data files be persistented on local file system
-lmdb_partitions <Parts> the # of LMDB RDD partitions. Default: cluster size
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