Other sources of documentation:
- https://github.com/xtrx-sdr/images - for the software documentation
- https://www.crowdsupply.com/fairwaves/xtrx - for general XTRX information
- XTRXr4_step.zip - XTRX rev4 Step 3D model
- XTRXr4_stl.zip - XTRX rev4 STL 3D model
- XTRX_rev4_connectors_pinout_r4_20180115.pdf - Pinouts and positions of the XTRX rev4 connecors.
- XTRX_rev4_GPIO_functions_r3_20180115.pdf - Functional description of the XTRX GPIO pins.
- PCIex2FE_SCH.pdf - PCIe x2 adapter for XTRX schematics (with Rx LNA and Tx pre-driver)
- USB3_PCIEv21_SCH.PDF - USB3-to-PCIe adapter for XTRX schematics
- XTRX thermo substrate Drawing.pdf - drawing for an aluminum thermal coupling spacer. Designed for the Fairwaves XCOM embedded platform but should be universal enough to be used in any other project which requires passive cooling.
Here is how it's positioned between an XTRX and XCOM PCB: