This source is currently in a read-only state.
embedded build of crt0
lua scripting support
custom input mapping
graphic rasterisation PSP drivers
PSP exclusive JSON file processing modules
usb interoperability
screenshot related features and image manipulation
real time memory editing and hexadecimal display
thread manipulation and module information utilities
//TODO: ensure/present an API where the commit presents to code to be latern compiled,and signed by administrator
relocatable executable utility plugin for Final Fantasy games on the PSP which displays the furigana of kanji characters
TODO: toggle to replace kanji with kana
relocatable executable utility plugin for mgp+ [GAME ID ULJM-05261)
TODO: blender plugin for .MDP parsing, .MDP viewer EBOOT
take guns into infinity
enable bandana infinite ammo
function lookup hash-table for dumping of modules. assign labels to known functions and their variables.
codename system for adhoc, etc
##temporary method to disable trophies is to embded an already created save instead of allowing the user to enter their own save, using our own custom obf we can lock the system as PSP only