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Unifying MEmory Management library for connecting different memory devices and interfaces


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Unifying MEmory Management library for connecting different memory devices and interfaces

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Memory management is an integral part of any software library. Libraries such as XND (efficient array representations), Apache Arrow (in-memory data storage), and others that implement data storage formats for various applications, need to support different memory locations where the data can be processed. For instance, the most widely used memory location is CPU RAM but with the advances in making other devices such as GPU available to data processing applications, the data storage libraries need to deal with diverse APIs that different device drivers libraries have. There exists a number of projects such as OpenCL, HSA, etc. that aim at providing unifying interfaces to the heterogeneous set of devices. But these projects are very large and performance-wise can be sub-optimal (ref CUDA vs OpenCL).

The UMEM project aims at providing a portable and easy-to-use interface to memory management tasks of most popular devices such as CPU, GPU, as well as of different memory management interfaces (files, mmap, memory pools, etc).

The core part of UMEM is written in C for efficency but using OOP design to be easily extensible. UMEM provides also C++ API that usage is highly recommended for C++ programs.

Plans are interfacing UMEM to high-level scripting languages such as Python, etc.

UMEM memory model

The fundamental idea behind UMEM design is that the data location in any storage device or interface can be represented as an integer valued address within the context of the device or interface. For instance, the data in host RAM can be referred to via C pointer value which can be cast to an integer; the data in GPU device memory can be referred to via C pointer value as well; the data in a file can also be addressed using the position returned by ftell function. And so on.

In C core part, UMEM uses uintptr_t type (defined in stdint.h) for addressing data in any supported storage device. UMEM provides device-independent API and efficient implementations for copying data between different devices. For instance, one can use a single UMEM API function to copy data from GPU device memory, say, to a file on the disk drive.

In C++ API, UMEM provides Address class that represents a memory address with a device context. Address defines convinient casting and pointer arithmetics operators as well as methods for copying and syncronizing data between different devices.

libumem C and C++ API documentation

libumem C API Documentation

libumem C++ API Documentation

Example in C++

#include "umem.h"

int main() {
  // Define and construct the context objects
  umem::Host host;
  umem::Cuda cuda(0); // 0 is GPU device number
  umem::File file("/path/to/my/file.dat", "w+b")
  // Allocate memory for an array of doubles in host
  size_t nbytes = 64 * sizeof(double);
  umem::Address host_adr = host.alloc(size);

  // Zero the data
  host_adr.set(0, nbytes);
  // or initialize it as a `range(64)`:
  for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) ((double*)host_adr)[i] = i;

  // Allocate memory in GPU device
  umem::Address cuda_adr = cuda.alloc(nbytes/2);

  // Copy a slice of host data (`range(64)[10:42]`) to GPU device:
  (host_adr+10*sizeof(double)).copy_to(cuda_adr, nbytes/2);

  // Open file for writing
  umem::Address file_adr = file.alloc(nbytes/2);

  // Copy data from GPU device to file:
  file_adr.copy_from(cuda_adr, nbytes/2);

Example in C

#include "umem.h"

int main() {
  // Define context objects 
  umemHost host;
  umemCuda cuda;
  umemFile file;

  // Construct the context objects
  umemCuda_ctor(&cuda, 0); // 0 is GPU device number
  umemFile_ctor(&file, "/path/to/my/file.dat", "w+b");

  // Allocate memory for an array of doubles in host
  size_t nbytes = 64 * sizeof(double);
  uintptr_t host_adr = umem_alloc(&host, nbytes);

  // Zero the data
  umem_set(&host, host_adr, 0, nbytes);
  // or initialize it as a `range(64)`:
  for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) ((double*)host_adr)[i] = i;

  // Allocate memory in GPU device
  uintptr_t cuda_adr = umem_alloc(&cuda, nbytes/2);

  // Copy a slice of host data (`range(64)[10:42]`) to GPU device:
  umem_copy_to(&host, host_adr+10*sizeof(double), &cuda, cuda_adr, nbytes/2);

  // Open file for writing
  uintptr_t file_adr = umem_alloc(&file, nbytes/2);

  // Copy data from GPU device to file:
  umem_copy_from(&file, file_adr, &cuda, cuda_adr, nbytes/2);

  // Free memory
  umem_free(&host, host_adr);
  umem_free(&cuda, cuda_adr);
  umem_free(&file, file_adr); // this closes the file

  // Deconstruct the context objects


conda install cmake make gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64 -c conda-forge   # for building
conda insrall valgrind -c conda-forge                               # for testing
conda install doxygen sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme -c conda-forge        # for generating documentation

Building and testing UMEM

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../umem/c
make test                                                           # runs unittests
ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck -E 'test_(cuda|rmm)'                  # runs valgrind

Generating documentation

cd doc
make        # generate sphinx documentation

cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../umem/c
make        # generate Doxygen documentation


Unifying MEmory Management library for connecting different memory devices and interfaces







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