- 🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript and Dart
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wget -O README.md profile://xiaozhu2007/README.md
--22:33:44-- profile://xiaozhu2007/README.md
=> `README.md'
Resolving xiaozhu2007... -1.-1.-1.-1, ::-1
Connecting to xiaozhu2007|-1.-1.-1.-1|:65536... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 418 I'm a teapot.
Length: 250 [text/x-plain]
58%[====================================> ] 200 100K/s in 50s English
99%[============================================================> ] 81 100K/s in 8s Chinese
82%[==============================================> ] 990900 --.-K/s in --s Javascript
16%[===> ] 114514 67K/s in 18d Golang
20%[=========> ] 102400 2K/s in +∞s Python
74%[===========================================> ] 65535 655K/s in 38s C#
??%[??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????>] ??? ??K/s in ??s ???
22:33:44 (2.33333 MB/s) - `README.md' saved [932/932]
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