This is the repository for public available code and data to reproduce our analyses.
We acquired and linked publicly available daily data on PM2.5, COVID-19 cases and deaths, and other confounding factors for 92 western U.S. counties that were affected by the 2020 wildfires. All data for analyses in /data was merged into /data/moddat_Feb2021.csv.
We developed and implemented a Bayesian hierarchical zero-inflated negative-binomial distributed lag (BH-ZINB-DL) model to estimate the association between daily changes in PM2.5 and the percentage increase in the risk of COVID-19 cases and deaths days after exposure.
include the BH-ZINB-DL model.
pull data from all sources into /data/moddat_Feb2021.csv.
create all summary statistics in the main script.
create all summary Figures in the main script.
utility functions to facilite the Bayes model in the src/bayes folder.