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xcvil committed Jul 24, 2020
0 parents commit f5cac30
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60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions
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# EyeXception: Gaze Estimation with Deep Learning

This project is collaborated with Peter Grönquist ([email protected]). Both authors contributed equally to this work.

We explore different classification model adaptations
stemming from deep learning, whilst combining it with methods
from computer vision. We show that by using the combined methods and
applying a statistical evaluation it is possible to obtain state
of the art predictions in eye-gaze approximation.

## Setup
To obtain the results from our submission follow these steps:

- Install the dependencies, we only use tqdm as an additional dependency to the ones provided in
- Clone the repository
- Run
- Adapt the paths in to match the dataset path
- Copy the repository at least 10 times
- Run in each
- After training is finished, run
- Gather all predictions from the respective files in ```./tf/```
- Take the mean of all predictions

### Necessary datasets

Either run on the provided h5 datasets or ask for them, we will happily make them available on a harddisk or by other means on leonhard, as polybox is limited to 50GB.

### Installing dependencies

Run (with `sudo` appended if necessary),
python3 install
and additionally install tqdm

Note that this can be done within a [virtual environment]( In this case, the sequence of commands would be similar to:
mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) myenv
python3 install

when using [virtualenvwrapper](

## Structure

* `src/` - all source code.
* `Dated_Training/` - dated training files for old neural networks
* `models/` - neural network definitions
* `tb/` - Tensorboard logs
* `tf/` - Tensorflow trained models and predictions
* `util/` - utility methods
* `` - generator for test dataset script
* `` - simple script to get the mean of 10 predictions
* `` - parameters file
* `` - preprocessing script
* `` - training script

### Outputs
Once training is complete for all models and the predictions have been generated, you will find each individual prediction in the corresponding ```./tf/``` folder
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"""Copyright (c) 2019 AIT Lab, ETH Zurich, Seonwook Park
""""""Setup module for GazeML."""

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

description='Data-driven gaze estimation using machine learning.',

author='Seonwook Park',
author_email='[email protected]',

# Install the most appropriate version of Tensorflow
# Ref.
# 'tensorflow',
# tensorflow-gpu==1.15
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/Dated_Training/
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import tensorflow as tf
import parameters
from models import Model1NetNV
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm, trange #progressbar

#os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' #back to 0 afterwards

def TFRparsert(example):#, Size=12500):
features = {
'eye-region': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 224], tf.float32),
'face': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 224, 224], tf.float32),
'face-landmarks': tf.FixedLenFeature([33, 2], tf.float32),
'head': tf.FixedLenFeature([2], tf.float32),
'left-eye': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 90], tf.float32),
'right-eye': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 90], tf.float32)
parsedf = tf.parse_single_example(example, features)
return parsedf['eye-region'], parsedf['face'], parsedf['face-landmarks'], parsedf['head'], parsedf['left-eye'], parsedf['right-eye']
#val Size=4000):

def TFRparser(example):#, Size=100000):
features = {
'eye-region': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 224], tf.float32),
'face': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 224, 224], tf.float32),
'face-landmarks': tf.FixedLenFeature([33, 2], tf.float32),
'head': tf.FixedLenFeature([2], tf.float32),
'left-eye': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 90], tf.float32),
'right-eye': tf.FixedLenFeature([3, 60, 90], tf.float32),
'gaze': tf.FixedLenFeature([2], tf.float32)
parsedf = tf.parse_single_example(example, features)
return parsedf['eye-region'], parsedf['face'], parsedf['face-landmarks'], parsedf['head'], parsedf['left-eye'], parsedf['right-eye'], parsedf['gaze']

def TFRecord2FLRD(filenames, buffersize=3000, batchsize=parameters.BATCH_SIZE):#TODO set shufflesize
train_dataset =[filenames])
train_dataset =
train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(buffersize)
#train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(buffersize) #15 was too much#TODO: set prefetchsize
train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(batchsize)
return train_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()


ditert = TFRecord2FLRD(filenames=parameters.PATHT)
diterv = TFRecord2FLRD(filenames=parameters.PATHV)
erdata, fdata, fldata, hdata, ledata, redata, gdata = ditert.get_next() # here xdata is the input, and ydata what it will be compared to
erdatav, fdatav, fldatav, hdatav, ledatav, redatav, gdatav = diterv.get_next()

LR = parameters.LEARNING_RATE
nvnet = Model1NetNV()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
config = tf.ConfigProto(
device_count={'GPU': 1}) # XLA_GPU is experimental, might get errors, only ~10% better performance on ResNet50
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
TBwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(parameters.LOGS_PATH, sess.graph) #TODO: currently saving values at beginning of iterations
bestvalloss = float('inf')
trloss = tf.summary.scalar('mse_training_loss', nvnet.loss)
ltrloss = tf.summary.scalar('angular_training_loss', nvnet.angular_loss)
valoss = tf.summary.scalar('mse_validation_loss', nvnet.loss)
lvaloss = tf.summary.scalar('angular_validation_loss', nvnet.angular_loss)
if parameters.LOAD_MODEL:
print('Trying to load saved model...')
print('Loading from: ', parameters.SAVE_PATH + parameters.MODEL_NAME + '.meta')
restorer = tf.train.import_meta_graph(parameters.SAVE_PATH + parameters.MODEL_NAME + '.meta')
restorer.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(parameters.SAVE_PATH))
print("Model successfully restored")
except IOError:
print("No previous model found, running default initialization")
v_loss = np.empty(parameters.EPOCHS)
patience_c = 0
for epoch_no in trange(parameters.EPOCHS, desc='Epochs', position=0):
train_loss = 0
train_aloss = 0
val_loss = 0
val_aloss = 0
tr_loss = 0
va_loss = 0
# x, y =[xdata, ydata])#xdata.eval(), ydata.eval()[xdata, ydata])
# # Initialize iterator with training data
# train_dict = {
# True,
# unet.model_input: x,#xdata,
# unet.model_cout: y#ydata
# }
itt = 0
if epoch_no > 0 and epoch_no%4==0:
LR *= 0.1
with tqdm(total=int(100000/parameters.BATCH_SIZE)+1 ,desc='Batches', leave=False) as pbar:
while True:
er, f, fl, h, le, re, g =[erdata, fdata, fldata, hdata, ledata, redata, gdata]) # xdata.eval(), ydata.eval()[xdata, ydata])
# Initialize iterator with training data
#merge = tf.summary.merge_all()
train_dict = { True,
nvnet.LR: LR, er,
nvnet.f: f,
nvnet.fl: fl,
nvnet.h: h,
nvnet.le: le, re,
nvnet.g: g,
if itt == 0:
_, loss, aloss, traloss, ltraloss =[nvnet.train_op, nvnet.loss, nvnet.angular_loss, trloss, ltrloss], feed_dict=train_dict)
TBwriter.add_summary(traloss, (epoch_no+1))
TBwriter.add_summary(ltraloss, (epoch_no+1))
_, loss, aloss =[nvnet.train_op, nvnet.loss, nvnet.angular_loss], feed_dict=train_dict)
train_loss += loss
train_aloss += aloss
itt += 1

pbar.set_postfix(MSE_Loss=loss, ANGULAR_Loss=aloss)
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
tr_loss = loss

itc = 0
while True:
er, f, fl, h, le, re, g =[erdatav, fdatav, fldatav, hdatav, ledatav, redatav, gdatav]) # xdatav.eval(), ydatav.eval()[xdatav, ydatav])
# Initialize iterator with validation data
#merge = tf.summary.merge_all()
train_dict = { False, er,
nvnet.f: f,
nvnet.fl: fl,
nvnet.h: h,
nvnet.le: le, re,
nvnet.g: g,
if itc == 0:
loss, aloss, vall, lvall =[nvnet.loss, nvnet.angular_loss, valoss, lvaloss], feed_dict=train_dict)
TBwriter.add_summary(vall, (epoch_no+1))
TBwriter.add_summary(lvall, (epoch_no+1))
loss, aloss =[nvnet.loss, nvnet.angular_loss], feed_dict=train_dict)
val_loss += loss
val_aloss += aloss
itc += 1
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
va_loss = loss
tott_loss = train_loss / itt # average training loss in 1 epoch #TODO maybe not get average training loss but only last
totv_loss = val_loss / itc # average validation loss in 1 epoch
totat_loss = train_aloss / itt
totav_loss = val_aloss / itc
v_loss[epoch_no] = totv_loss # average val loss saved for early stopping
print('\nEpoch No: {}'.format(epoch_no + 1))
print('MSE Train loss = {:.8f}'.format(tott_loss))
print('Angular Train loss = {:.8f}'.format(totat_loss))
print('MSE Val loss = {:.8f}'.format(totv_loss))
print('Angular Val loss = {:.8f}'.format(totav_loss))

if (bestvalloss - v_loss[epoch_no]) > 0.0000000001:
print('Saving model at epoch: ', (epoch_no + 1)) # Save periodically, parameters.SAVE_PATH + parameters.MODEL_NAME + 'best')
bestvalloss = v_loss[epoch_no]
patience_c = 0
# can save model here if patience is too big
patience_c += 1

if patience_c > parameters.PATIENCE:
print("early stopping...")

if (epoch_no+1) % 100 == 0 and epoch_no > 0:
print('Saving model at epoch: ', (epoch_no + 1)) # Save periodically, parameters.SAVE_PATH + parameters.MODEL_NAME, global_step=(epoch_no + 1)), parameters.SAVE_PATH + parameters.MODEL_NAME, global_step=(
epoch_no + 1)) # Final save, 'my-test-model', nr of setps after when to save)

# closing session not needed with 'with'
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

# Example of easy averaging script without looping
Path = '/home/peter/Documents/MP/calculatemode/'

# Calculates mode of distribution, based on the amount of members in the distribution
# Not used in our submission
n = 10 # Nr of members in distribution
def modefm(mi, ma, ar):
eps = 0.0000001
step = (ma-mi)/n
ma = ma+eps
mi = mi-eps
ttot = 0
tcount = 0
begin = 2
while True:
for i in range(n):
count = 0
tot = 0
for v in ar:
if v >= mi+i*step and v < mi+(i+1)*step:
count += 1
tot += v
if count >= begin:
tcount += count
ttot += tot

if tcount != 0:
return ttot/tcount
begin -= 1

b1 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions1.txt.gz')
# b1 = b1[:,np.newaxis,:]
b2 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions2.txt.gz')
# b2 = b2[:,np.newaxis,:]
b3 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions3.txt.gz')
# b3 = b3[:,np.newaxis,:]
b4 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions4.txt.gz')
# b4 = b4[:,np.newaxis,:]
b5 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions5.txt.gz')
# b5 = b5[:,np.newaxis,:]
b6 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions6.txt.gz')
# b6 = b6[:,np.newaxis,:]
b7 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions7.txt.gz')
# b7 = b7[:,np.newaxis,:]
b8 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions8.txt.gz')
# b8 = b8[:,np.newaxis,:]
b9 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions9.txt.gz')
# b9 = b9[:,np.newaxis,:]
b10 = np.loadtxt(Path+'predictions10.txt.gz')
# b10 = b10[:,np.newaxis,:]

# fulll = np.concatenate([b1[:,:,0],b2[:,:,0],b3[:,:,0],b4[:,:,0],b5[:,:,0],b6[:,:,0],b7[:,:,0],b8[:,:,0],b9[:,:,0],b10[:,:,0]],1)
# fullr = np.concatenate([b1[:,:,1],b2[:,:,1],b3[:,:,1],b4[:,:,1],b5[:,:,1],b6[:,:,1],b7[:,:,1],b8[:,:,1],b9[:,:,1],b10[:,:,1]],1)
# print(fulll.shape)
# smode = np.zeros([len(fulll),2])
# for i in range(len(fulll)):
# mil = np.min(fulll[i])
# mal = np.max(fulll[i])
# mir = np.min(fullr[i])
# mar = np.max(fullr[i])
# smode[i,0]=modefm(mil,mal,fulll[i])
# smode[i,1]=modefm(mir,mar,fullr[i])

tot = (b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + b7 + b8 + b9 + b10) / 10

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