Breif tutorial:
Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese) Personalize sua Ficha de Personagem no Foundry VTT - Freeform Sheets
Create configurable sheets for your character from image files.
Supports: inline rolls, entity links, other enriched data, @attribute replacement for core actor fields as well as roll data.
Fonts can be added through the core font settings.
- cleaned up console logs
- spans are now contenteditable="true" instead of contenteditable="plaintext-only" due to firefox not supporting it
- bug fixes
- default already configured sheets to Actor documents
- condensed header buttons to a menu
- sheets can now be configured for items
- added dynamic settings to set default sheets for each type of actor and item
- templates can now be created for each type of actor/item
- directory context menu added for templates to apply to all actor/item of that type (only applies to collection items)
- id added to @ replacements for easier inline js hacks
- id/uuid header button added to be more like normal sheets
- z-index added to elements. dragged elements are brought to top on drag. Ctrl+Wheel alters z-index similar to how text is sized (add shift to change by 5). z-indexes are condensed to sequential on each load.
- fixed bug where header buttons were added multiple times if multiple sheets were opened quickly
- fixed inline onclick js triggering on drag
1.16.2 - 1.16.4
- bug fixes
- actor specific freeform sheet selection added to actor sheet config
- defaultSheet and overridePlayerCharacterSheet settings removed as they are no longer needed
- actor directory context menu options to open sheets have been removed as they are no longer needed
- the default freeform sheet can now be selected in the actor sheet config
- fixed null value roll formula fields that should be shown as 0 not being replaced
- images dragged from the tile browser can now be dropped as img elements
- fixed value editor dialog so that it does not break if there is a double quote in the value
- added the actor in the object variable of the app
- added sheet to the class of the sheet window
- color of hovered links on the sheet now matches the text color
- version bump, no changes needed
- dropped content now has configured font size
- double clicking a field with @name text will now show a dialog to change the actor name
- config updates and span deletes are now reflected across clients
- changed font size options to increase on a power scale rather than linear
- Simple World Building fixes to use system rather than roll data
- added workaround to get editable fields working for simple world building system
- fixed css bugs
- added right margin to content link images
- remove console.log from actor update hook
- updates to spans will no longer trigger a whole sheet render for other user viewing the sheet, but just refresh that span
- fix typos and logs from recent changes
- new configuration allowing for showing images for content links along with the option to hide the text
- fixed scaling of the sheet in configuration so it does not double scale anymore
- All sheet updates from other users will re-render the sheet for other users viewing the sheet.
- Removed test code that broke all actor updates in the last update
- All @ fields get refreshed when an actor updates. This should refresh any derrived fields.
- Fixed images not getting their size from fontSize if they happened to be caught in a refresh from updateActor hook
- image elements in spans will size with font size now
- fixed span outlines not being removed on edit dialog close
- filter dialog now shows current values next to label
- setting default color in sheet config now works
- added font preview text to sheet config
- added setting default font size to sheet config and user font config
- span edit dialogs and fix dialog now mark fields being edited with red outlines
- sheet backgrounds are now img element instaed of background
- this allows for filtering of just the sheet. filters no longer effect spans. You may need to fix text configuration on existing sheets if you were inverting.
- also allows for scaling of images so you don't have to resize before upload
- You can now scale your image in the configuration dialog with the scroll wheel over the sizer or using the header buttons
- fixed double click not working if the span also had a @UUID
- default font config added to config sheet header, but color is not functional yet
- fix sheet dialog button added to header to fix or delete spans you might break experimenting with stuff
- better tooltips for header buttons
- fixed right click on text spans sometimes not focusing and bringing to edit mode
- span edit dialog will now resize itself if you want to make the text area larger by dragging it from the handle bottom-right
- fields with editable fields will have a pointer cursor indicating they can be double clicked
- span edit dialog uses textarea now
- copy event on span so it will capture stored text rather than the span html as it would sometimes do
- Big update to the hook for actor updates. The sheet no longer fully re-renders. If a span has an @value that matches the update, it will be updated individually.
- This might break updates in some systems if they are still using getRollData values. Working on a fix for this.
- reverted using .getRollData() for @ field button because it broke double click to edit because some systems return realative values rather than updatable ones
- template actor create now has default name in the dialog
- fix module.json v10 warnings
1.8.1 - 1.8.5
- span dialog selects current value on open
- span dialog sets value on render so it doesn't break with quotes now which will allow for putting html elements in there. images and custom styles yay
- dragging draggable elements to the sheet will add the text if the drag event does not have JSON data set
- font size is adjusted 1px at a time now, use shift to change rapidly
- improved/updated help dialog text
- dialog will appear on ready if no sheets are configured to direct to sheets config or disabling the module
- resize of text fonts adjusts y value to keep the bottom static again
- Freeform Sheet button on actor sheets opens default sheet on left click if there is one. Can still right click for list.
- removed console logs
- @ button in span dialog now pulls roll data instead of just or system
- shift+wheel will now scale font quicker at larger font sizes
- span positions rounded so they save as whole integers
- font size updates debounced to reduce update spam
- better auto sizing accounting for the possibility that a style adjusts the window padding
- fixed header's sheet button changing to a name
- fixed bug where cancelling filter would unset all filters
- moved other sheets button to icon in front of header
- added option to hide content link icons, right click the 'A' where fonts are set. Will look for better place for that setting later
- fixed bug with entity dropping
- added new cleanup of bad texts
- added option for forcing players to see a default sheet instead of the system's sheet
- added buttons to the freeform sheet header and actor sheet header to view sheet options
- fixes for v9 compatibility mess
- Hooks properly removed so sheets do not re-open on actor updates
- @ field value updates work now
- template actors get sheet images as actor img
- field dialogs open with text more or less centered at the cursor
- missing roll data values are back to just @ field now because it broke content links
- v9 compatibility
- now with templating
- fixed issues with @ fields that return null
- fixed issue of sheet rendering from the actor hook not taking resizing into account
- can now double click an @ field for a dialog to change it's value
- fixed scaling not saving to named config
- added lock button
- added dialogs for changing @ fields because they could be long and hard to edit
- @ dialogs have a button that shows and has selectable @ paths
- removed a bit of debugging code that caused errors
- Sheet configs moved out of macro flags into world settings
- better configuraton ui using jquery resizeable
- re-ordered header icons
- Context Menu items added to actor directory for each sheet. (requires reload to reflect sheet adds and deletes)
- Fixed broken fonts with config move
- Filters and Fonts per player and per sheet now
- We will call this version 1. inputs are gone, the spans are just set as role="textbox" now.
- Controls have not changed, though the cursors have to better indicate what is going on.
- fixed a bug where filter would not default correctly
- fixed a bug where filter temporarily resets when changing font
- now with a filter configuration dialog instead of invert toggle