lets you quickly transform R code to pedantically use
explicit function calls instead of implicit, either by running
or using the handy RStudio addin
"Make function calls explicit"
You can install the development version using
If you’re developing a package, {pedant}
will look at the
files to work out which packages to use
when making functions explicit. Otherwise it will use the currently
attached packages, i.e. the ones already loaded using library()
. You
can manually specify the packages to look in using the use_packages
argument to add_double_colons()
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
code <-
"mtcars %>%
filter(mpg > 20) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), n_distinct))"
# Code will be transformed to use the double-colon operator, but notice
# that `n_distinct` is not transformed as it is not followed by `()`
## mtcars %>%
## dplyr::filter(mpg > 20) %>%
## dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), n_distinct))
Often, during package development I forget to use explicit function calls and am then faced with the onerous task of cleaning up my own code. I wrote this package so I can continue this bad habit.
Please post these as issues on github