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Codes Registry and Status options

Anna Milan edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Use Cases and Recommendations

The WMO Codes Registry is designed to provide immutable URLs that users and systems can rely on. In general, a term or a registry should never be removed! However, when necessary, this guidance should be followed.

Use Case Recommendation Status of original entry
Entry needs typographical edits or additional information to add and the notation does not change edit entry Stable
Entry needs updates and the concept remains the same, but edits will change the 'notation' that becomes part of the URL supersede with new entry Superseded
Entry needs edits and the fundamental concept or definition changes keep entry and create a new entry with new concept Stable
Entry is too broad and needs to be broken up into more precise terms keep entry and create new more precise terms (it is impossible to supersede one entry by many) Stable or Retired
Multiple entries are too narrow and there needs to be a broader term supersede multiples entries with one entry Superseded
Two entries represent the same concept supersede one of them with other Superseded
Entry is no longer relevant and there is no substitute change status to retired Retired
Entry is obviously wrong or is an error and there is no substitute change the status to invalid (this should be very rare) Invalid

WMO Codes Registry Details

Status Values 

Label Status Application
submitted for initial inclusion of a term or registry, not used in production registry
experimental not yet approved or operational
stable approved and operational
superseded remains in registry, visible to public, URL provides link preferred term or registry
retired remains in registry, visible to public with label
invalid remains in registry, not visible to public, URL returns a 404


  1. Edit
    • administrator runs a program to programmatically add or update from GitHub (don't use the UI edit function manually!)
    • new codes get a status of experimental
    • status of updated codes do not change
  2. Set status
    • administrator uses UI to change status
    • submitted ==> experimental, stable, or invalid
    • experimental ==> stable, invalid, or retired
    • stable ==> invalid, retired, or superseded
    • superseded ==> invalid
    • retired ==> invalid
    • invalid ==> cannot change or reverse
  3. Delete
    • Not recommended - results in hard removal of content and the URL returns a 404
    • programmatic updates do not delete anything, manual action only

Preparation of branches

Case: Entry is considered "invalid" ==> remove entry from table

Case: Entry is considered "retired" ==> remove entry from table

Case: Entry is superseded by another entry ==> remove entry from table and include the superseded entry in the file superseded.txt

URL from, URL to,

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