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WiX Toolset v3.14.1

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@robmen robmen released this 23 Mar 00:07

WiX v3.14.1 is the latest recommended maintenance release of WiX v3; it contains mitigations in all versions of WiX v3 for a vulnerability affecting all bundles and a WiX custom action. We recommend upgrading to WiX v3.14.1--or the latest WiX v4.0--as soon as possible.

For more information about the vulnerability, see the FireGiant blog.


  • wix314.exe is the installer for the WiX Toolset build tools.
  • contains the wix311.exe installer inside a .zip file, useful if your IT department prevents direct downloading of .exe files.
  • contains the files that make up the WiX Toolset and is useful if you don't want to install the toolset -- for example, if you're just checking WiX into source control.
  • contains a reference copy of the WiX source code and symbol (.pdb) files, both of which are useful when debugging problems with WiX.