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Wire documentation is hosted on This project is made using Mkdocs.

Structure of the repository

  • src

    • It contains the files and directories for actual source of the documentation. The src directory has been processed based on docs. The earlier version was based on Sphinx, so it was converted to markdown and then ported for Mkdocs. Find the process for doing in build/
  • Pages from external repositories (via Git submodules):

    • We intend to import some documentation pages from the backend repository wire-server into our project. Currently, many files reference wire-server; you can identify these files using the following command
    find . -type l -printf '%p -> %l\n' | grep './src'
    • To fetch the latest updates from wire-server, run the following command. Note: Execute this command only when the remote repository has been updated with new changes.
    git submodule update --remote
    • To optionally update the src/changelog/ based on the new, run the following command:
    rm src/changelog/ && \
    grep '^# ' src/changelog/ | \
    sed 's/^# //' | while IFS= read -r heading; \
    do anchor=$(echo "$heading" | sed -E 's/^\[?([0-9-]+)\]? *(\(([^)]+)\)|# *([0-9]+))$/\1-\3\4/' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/ /-/g;s/\.//g'); echo "* [$heading]($anchor)"; done > src/changelog/
  • build

    • It contains scripts used by Makefile to support different usecases for builds. It is designed to run one build process at a time. All the local targets use a temporary directory stored in .tmpdir file for building/serving the changes. This is due to git-operations by tools like mike for mkdocs.


    • make

    • nix-shell

    • git

    • rsync

    • Docker (optional) - if building a docker image, useful when testing without installing nix-shell

      Makefile Targets

      • make current

        • This target runs the documentation site locally using Mike (Mkdocs) as we do in make run but only for the current branch. The current changes will be visible under branch name as version name. It will be hosted on It can also show other versions if they have been pre-built on your local host.
      • make run

        • This target serves the documentation site locally by first building all the existing tags and building current branch. It later hosts the webserver using python http module. It allows you to preview the documentation as it will appear when hosted for all the tags and current branch. It will be hosted on Use it only if you want to build all existing tags by yourself.
      • make archive

        • This target archive the processed web pages for documentation for all the tags and current branch from the github branch gh-pages. The output is generated in the main directory as wire-docs.tar.gz.
      • make build

        • This target is being used by run and archive targets for building all the tags and current branch. It serves the layer to economise the re-building each time for archive and run targets. Note: if there are uncomitted changes in the current branchm then it is going to re-build the current branch everytime.
      • main docker

        • This target builds a Docker image for the documentation. It uses the Dockerfile present in the repository to create an image. It will be using mike module from python to host the documents, this is experimental to use mike for the container and not python http module. It processes the tags present in the online repo. To test current changes, rely on make run or make current. To run and test the docker image locally, we recommend the following command:
          docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --restart=always --health-cmd="curl --fail http://localhost:8000 || exit 1" --health-interval=30s --health-retries=3 --health-timeout=5s wire-docs
      • make clean

        • This target cleans up the generated tar files and tmp directories from the build process.
      • make SHELL="/bin/bash -x" target

        • To increase verbosity for make commands.