grical is a Django web application for maintaining and finding events. It is the Python software running behind and other sites.
The following setup uses sqlite3 as the database backend, virtualenv for the isolated Python environment and a GNU/Linux host system. Other combinations are possible like using PostgreSQL.
Clone the repository
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:wikical/grical.git
Install the OS requirement packages. For Ubuntu 14.04LTS there is a list of
OS package requirements at
. You can install them with:
cat ~/grical/requirements/development.trusty.apt | tr '\n' ' '|xargs sudo apt-get install
For Ubuntu 15.04+ use:
cat ~/grical/requirements/development.xenial.apt | tr '\n' ' '|xargs sudo apt-get install
Create and activate a Python virtual environment, and setup Django:
mkdir ~/virtualenvs
virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/grical
source ~/virtualenvs/grical/bin/activate
pip install -r ~/grical/requirements/development.pip
python migrate
sqlite3 grical_db.sql "UPDATE django_site SET domain='localhost:8000', name='Grical development';"
Install bower:
cd ~/grical
sudo apt-get instal nodejs npm
sudo npm install bower -g
Install the required packages for grical with bower:
cd ~/grical/requirements
bower install
Start the Django Development Server
cd ~/grical && python runserver
Now you can open the site in your browser by just visiting http://localhost:8000 and edit the source code.
To run the tests, install tox either using a OS package or with pip.
Run tests by issuing the tox command:
cd ~/grical
These instructions assume the installation is taking place in a GNU/Linux system. The database used will be PostgreSQL 9.5.
Create a system user grical
and clone the repository
sudo adduser grical
su grical -c "cd /home/grical && hg clone ssh://[email protected]/gridmind/grical"
Setup PostgreSQL 9.5, e.g. following
sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install postgresql-9.5 postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2
Install the required OS packages:
cat ~/grical/requirements/production.apt | tr '\n' ' '|xargs sudo apt-get install
Create a DB user, a database, and the postgis extension for the database:
su postgres -c "createuser --pwprompt --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser grical"
su postgres -c "createdb --owner grical -T template1 grical"
su postgres -c "psql -d grical -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis;'"
Keep the grical
user password (you have been asked for) for the next step.
Copy grical/settings/
to grical/settings/
, and in it:
- Set
DEBUG = False
- Review and set
. - Set a
use user name, db name and password created above.
Optionally, have a look at
for other customization
options, documented inline.
and replace development
in it with settings
Install the Python requirements:
cd ~grical/grical/requirements
sudo pip install -r production.pip
Install the required JS and CSS packages with Bower:
sudo apt-get instal nodejs npm
sudo npm install bower -g
su grical -c "cd ~grical/grical/requirements && bower install"
Migrate the database and create a cache table:
su -grical -c "cd ~grical/grical && python migrate"
su -grical -c "cd ~grical/grical && python createcachetable cache"
psql -d grical_db -U grical_user -h localhost -p 5432 -c "UPDATE django_site SET (domain, name) = ('grical', 'GriCal')"
Setup a cron jobs for accepting events submitted as email. It should run periodically the custom Django management command imap
Installing memcached is recommended as Grical will automatically use it for performance:
apt-get install memcached
Edit /etc/memcached.conf
and restart memcached.
Set the Django settings as appropriate.
Run a celery worker as a daemon. This is the best option for production. For the broker we suggest RabbitMQ. The broker setup for Celery and RabbitMQ is minimal and requires no options.
Install RabbitMQ:
apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Add a user and a vhost:
rabbitmqctl add_user guest guest rabbitmqctl add_vhost "/" rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p "/" guest ".*" ".*" ".*"
Refer further to Deploying Django. We recommend using uWSGI and nginx.