A2 Geant4 simulation
September 23, 2019
support for GiBUU event-files
using Pluto library for Pluto reader
storing primary particle IDs for PID/Veto hits
fixed some building issues
February 12, 2019
generalized interface for input event-files
support for Pluto event-files
added tracked particles to metadata
added new class for generic and specific solid targets (neutron skin)
support for target shifts (S. Wagner)
support for PID rotations
support for Geant4 10.5
August 17, 2018
fixed bug related to compiler optimizations for Geant4 >= 10.3 (S. Gardner)
G4ExtrudedSolid-based CB-crystal implementation for Geant4 >= 10.4 (S. Gardner)
informative metadata in output file
nicer tracking progress information
better support for different Geant4 releases
storage of primary particle IDs for CB/TAPS hits
PID III (S. Kay)
Cherenkov detector (F. Afzal)
support for xz-compressed magnetic field maps
Pizza detector
support for cryogenic He-3 target
possibility to disable MWPC hit storage
Geant4 10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5
ROOT 5 or 6
CMake 3.3
Optional: Qt 4 or 5
Optional: Pluto 6 (only with ROOT 6, $PLUTOSYS needs to be set)
Download the source tarball from https://geant4.web.cern.ch and extract it
in a temporary directory:
cd /tmp
wget https://geant4-data.web.cern.ch/geant4-data/releases/geant4.10.04.p02.tar.gz
tar xvfz geant4.10.04.p02.tar.gz
Create a build directory (not inside the source directory) and run cmake. Set
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to the final installation location and GEANT4_USE_QT to ON
if you want to use the graphical user interface. Set GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA to ON
so the large data packages will be downloaded automatically. Set N to the number
of CPU cores to speed up the compilation process:
cd /tmp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/Geant4.10.04.02 -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON /tmp/geant4.10.04.p02
make -jN
make install
Geant4 should now be installed in /opt/Geant4.10.04.02. Source the configuration script
(geant4.sh for bash, geant4.csh for C shell)
in your shell config file to set all the environment variables:
source /opt/Geant4.10.04.02/bin/geant4.sh
The temporary source and build directories can now be deleted.
More details can be found in the official
documentation .
Method 1: Getting the git master branch
cd /some/directory
git clone https://github.com/A2-Collaboration/A2Geant4.git
cd A2Geant4
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Method 2: Install a release
Download a release , unpack and compile it:
cd /some/directory
wget https://github.com/A2-Collaboration/A2Geant4/archive/v0.1.0.tar.gz
tar xvfz v0.1.0.tar.gz
cd A2Geant4-0.1.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
build/A2Geant4 --mac=macros/your_macro.mac --det=macros/DetectorSetup.mac --if=input.root --of=output.root
storage of primary particles only works if tracked particles are manually specified
particle auto-tracking for mkin-files uses PDG stable attribute for now so many particles are not tracked
Pluto: no primary vertex yet, more testing needed
/A2/physics/Physics QGSP_BERT
select physics list
show available physics lists
/A2/physics/SetRegion CB
select region for tracking cut (CB, TAPS, TAPSV, PID, MWPC, Pizza)
/A2/physics/RegionCut 0.1 mm
set tracking cut for selected region
/A2/physics/CutGamma 0.1 mm
set tracking cut for photons
/A2/physics/CutEl 0.1 mm
set tracking cut for electrons
/A2/physics/CutPos 0.1 mm
set tracking cut for positrons
/A2/physics/CutProt 0.1 mm
set tracking cut for protons
/A2/physics/CutsAll 0.1 mm
set the same tracking cut for photons, electrons, positrons and protons
/A2/generator/Seed 3243434
set the seed of the random number generator
/A2/generator/NToBeTracked 3
set the number of particles to be tracked
/A2/generator/Track 1
set the index of a particle to be tracked
/A2/generator/InputFile input.root
set the event input file (sets mode to 2)
/A2/generator/Mode 1
select generator mode (0=G4 CLI generator, 1=phase-space, 2=file input, 3=overlap debug)
/A2/generator/SetTMin 200 MeV
minimum kinetic energy for a particle in the phase-space generator
/A2/generator/SetTMax 450 MeV
maximum kinetic energy for a particle in the phase-space generator
/A2/generator/SetThetaMin 0 deg
minimum polar angle for a particle in the phase-space generator
/A2/generator/SetThetaMax 120 deg
maximum polar angle for a particle in the phase-space generator
/A2/generator/SetBeamEnergy 0.2 GeV
energy of incoming beam (overwrites beam energy in event file)
/A2/generator/SetBeamXSigma 10 mm
x-sigma of incoming beam
/A2/generator/SetBeamYSigma 10 mm
y-sigma of incoming beam
/A2/generator/SetBeamDiameter 10 mm
beam-spot diameter on target
/A2/generator/SetTargetZ0 0 mm
target z-position
/A2/generator/SetTargetThick 0.4 mm
target length
/A2/generator/SetTargetRadius 0.5 cm
target radius
/A2/generator/SetSplitTheta 5 deg
theta split-angle for overlap generator
/A2/event/setOutputFile ouput.root
set the tracked-event output file
/A2/event/storePrimaries false
disable storage of primary particle indices
/A2/det/useCB 1
use CB (0=off, 1=on)
/A2/det/setHemiGap 0.4 0.4 -1 cm
upper air gap, lower air gap, geometry (>0: Prakhov, <0: old)
/A2/det/setCBCrystGeo extr
CB crystal geometry (trap=G4Trap, extr=G4ExtrudedSolid (default for Geant4 >= 10.4))
/A2/det/useTAPS 1
use TAPS (0=off, 1=on)
/A2/det/setTAPSFile data/taps07.dat
location of TAPS geometry file (taps07.dat, taps.dat)
/A2/det/setTAPSZ 146.35 cm
distance target-TAPS
/A2/det/setTAPSN 384
number of TAPS crystals (384, 510)
/A2/det/setTAPSPbWO4Rings 2
number of PbWO4 rings (1, 2)
/A2/det/usePID 2
use PID (0=off, 1=PID I, 2=PID II, 3=PID III)
/A2/det/setPIDZ 0. cm
PID z-shift
/A2/det/setPIDRotation 10 deg
PID rotation (0=old orientation, otherwise rotation with respect to element 0 @ 0 deg)
/A2/det/useMWPC 2
use MWPC (0=off, 1=without anode wires, 2=with anode wires, 10/20: without/with wires but no readout)
/A2/det/useCherenkov 0
use Cherenkov detector (0=off, 1=on)
/A2/det/useTOF 0
use TOF-walls (0=off, 1=on)
/A2/det/setTOFFile data/TOF.par
location of TOF-walls geometry file
/A2/det/usePizza 0
use the Pizza detector (0=off, 1=on)
/A2/det/setPizzaZ 162 cm
distance target-Pizza detector
/A2/det/useTarget Cryo
standard hydrogen target
/A2/det/useTarget Cryo2
narrower hydrogen target
/A2/det/useTarget CryoHe3
He3/He3 target
/A2/det/targetMaterial G4_lH2
/A2/det/targetMaterial A2_lD2
/A2/det/targetMaterial A2_lHe3
/A2/det/targetMaterial A2_lHe4
/A2/det/useTarget Solid
solid target (pre-2007 experiments)
/A2/det/useTarget Solid_Generic
generic solid target
/A2/det/useTarget Solid_Oct_18
solid target for October 2018 experiment
/A2/det/useTarget Solid_Jan_19
solid target for January 2019 experiment
/A2/det/targetMaterial G4_Li
/A2/det/targetMaterial G4_GRAPHITE
/A2/det/targetMaterial G4_Ca
/A2/det/targetMaterial G4_Pb
/A2/det/useTarget Polarized
solid target
/A2/det/targetMaterial A2_HeButanol
Butanol/Helium mix
/A2/det/targetMaterial A2_HeDButanol
D-Butanol/Helium mix
/A2/det/targetMagneticCoils Solenoidal
longitudinally polarized target
/A2/det/targetMagneticCoils Saddle
transversely polarized target
/A2/det/setTargetMagneticFieldMap map.dat.xz
magnetic field map (data/wouter_field_map.dat.xz, data/field_map_jul_13_pos.dat.xz)
/A2/det/setTargetLength 2 cm
set target length (not supported by all targets)
/A2/det/setTargetRadius 2 cm
set target radius (not supported by all targets)
/A2/det/setTargetZ 0. cm
target z-shift