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added check if temporary files can be created and proper message in c…
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dirk-thomas committed Apr 29, 2011
1 parent 3f3fedf commit bb82221
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 5 changed files with 156 additions and 144 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions blame.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,12 +124,12 @@
$vars['javascript'] = '';
} else {
// Get the contents of the file
$tfname = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), '');
$tfname = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), '');
$highlighted = $svnrep->getFileContents($path, $tfname, $rev, $peg, '', 'line');

if ($file = fopen($tfname, 'r')) {
// Get the blame info
$tbname = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), '');
$tbname = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), '');

$svnrep->getBlameDetails($path, $tbname, $rev, $peg);

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions diff.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,12 +146,12 @@

// Get the contents of the two files
$newerFile = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), '');
$newerFile = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), '');
$newerFileHl = $newerFile.'highlight';
$normalNew = $svnrep->getFileContents($history->entries[0]->path, $newerFile, $history->entries[0]->rev, $peg, '', 'no');
$highlightedNew = $svnrep->getFileContents($history->entries[0]->path, $newerFileHl, $history->entries[0]->rev, $peg, '', 'line');

$olderFile = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), '');
$olderFile = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), '');
$olderFileHl = $olderFile.'highlight';
$normalOld = $svnrep->getFileContents($history->entries[0]->path, $olderFile, $history->entries[1]->rev, $peg, '', 'no');
$highlightedOld = $svnrep->getFileContents($history->entries[0]->path, $olderFileHl, $history->entries[1]->rev, $peg, '', 'line');
Expand Down
264 changes: 128 additions & 136 deletions dl.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,171 +103,163 @@ function removeDirectory($dir) {

// Create a temporary filename to be used for a directory to archive a download.
// Here we have an unavoidable but highly unlikely to occur race condition.
$tempDir = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), 'websvn');
$tempDir = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), 'websvn');

if ($tempDir == false) {
// Create the name of the directory being archived
$archiveName = $path;
$isDir = (substr($archiveName, -1) == '/');
if ($isDir) {
$archiveName = substr($archiveName, 0, -1);
$archiveName = basename($archiveName);
if ($archiveName == '') {
$archiveName = $rep->name;
$plainfilename = $archiveName;
$archiveName .= '.r'.$rev;

// Export the requested path from SVN repository to the temp directory
$svnExportResult = $svnrep->exportRepositoryPath($path, $tempDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$archiveName, $rev, $peg);
if ($svnExportResult != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to create a temporary directory.');
print 'Unable to create a temporary directory.';
error_log('svn export failed for: '.$archiveName);
print 'svn export failed for "'.xml_entities($archiveName).'".';

// Set timestamp of exported directory (and subdirectories) to timestamp of
// the revision so every archive of a given revision has the same timestamp.
$revDate = $logEntry->date;
$timestamp = mktime(substr($revDate, 11, 2), // hour
substr($revDate, 14, 2), // minute
substr($revDate, 17, 2), // second
substr($revDate, 5, 2), // month
substr($revDate, 8, 2), // day
substr($revDate, 0, 4)); // year
setDirectoryTimestamp($tempDir, $timestamp);

// Change to temp directory so that only relative paths are stored in archive.
$oldcwd = getcwd();

if ($isDir) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFolderDlMode();
} else {
// Create the name of the directory being archived
$archiveName = $path;
$isDir = (substr($archiveName, -1) == '/');
if ($isDir) {
$archiveName = substr($archiveName, 0, -1);
$archiveName = basename($archiveName);
if ($archiveName == '') {
$archiveName = $rep->name;
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFileDlMode();

// $_REQUEST parameter can override dlmode
if (!empty($_REQUEST['dlmode'])) {
$downloadMode = $_REQUEST['dlmode'];
if (substr($logEntry->path, -1) == '/') {
if (!in_array($downloadMode, $config->validFolderDlModes)) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFolderDlMode();
} else {
if (!in_array($downloadMode, $config->validFileDlModes)) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFileDlMode();
$plainfilename = $archiveName;
$archiveName .= '.r'.$rev;

// Export the requested path from SVN repository to the temp directory
$svnExportResult = $svnrep->exportRepositoryPath($path, $tempDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$archiveName, $rev, $peg);
if ($svnExportResult != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('svn export failed for: '.$archiveName);
print 'svn export failed for "'.xml_entities($archiveName).'".';
$downloadArchive = $archiveName;
if ($downloadMode == 'plain') {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/octetstream';

} else if ($downloadMode == 'zip') {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/x-zip';
$downloadArchive .= '.zip';
// Create zip file
$cmd = $config->zip.' -r '.quote($downloadArchive).' '.quote($archiveName);
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
error_log('Unable to call zip command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call zip command. See webserver error log for details.';

// Set timestamp of exported directory (and subdirectories) to timestamp of
// the revision so every archive of a given revision has the same timestamp.
$revDate = $logEntry->date;
$timestamp = mktime(substr($revDate, 11, 2), // hour
substr($revDate, 14, 2), // minute
substr($revDate, 17, 2), // second
substr($revDate, 5, 2), // month
substr($revDate, 8, 2), // day
substr($revDate, 0, 4)); // year
setDirectoryTimestamp($tempDir, $timestamp);
} else {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/x-gzip';
$downloadArchive .= '.tar.gz';
$tarArchive = $archiveName.'.tar';

// Change to temp directory so that only relative paths are stored in archive.
$oldcwd = getcwd();
// Create the tar file
$retcode = 0;
if (class_exists('Archive_Tar')) {
$tar = new Archive_Tar($tarArchive);
$created = $tar->create(array($archiveName));
if (!$created) {
$retcode = 1;
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
print 'Unable to create tar archive.';

if ($isDir) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFolderDlMode();
} else {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFileDlMode();

// $_REQUEST parameter can override dlmode
if (!empty($_REQUEST['dlmode'])) {
$downloadMode = $_REQUEST['dlmode'];
if (substr($logEntry->path, -1) == '/') {
if (!in_array($downloadMode, $config->validFolderDlModes)) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFolderDlMode();
} else {
if (!in_array($downloadMode, $config->validFileDlModes)) {
$downloadMode = $config->getDefaultFileDlMode();
$cmd = $config->tar.' -cf '.quote($tarArchive).' '.quote($archiveName);
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to call tar command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call tar command. See webserver error log for details.';
if ($retcode != 0) {

$downloadArchive = $archiveName;
if ($downloadMode == 'plain') {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/octetstream';
// Set timestamp of tar file to timestamp of revision
touch($tarArchive, $timestamp);

} else if ($downloadMode == 'zip') {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/x-zip';
$downloadArchive .= '.zip';
// Create zip file
$cmd = $config->zip.' -r '.quote($downloadArchive).' '.quote($archiveName);
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
error_log('Unable to call zip command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call zip command. See webserver error log for details.';
// GZIP it up
if (function_exists('gzopen')) {
$srcHandle = fopen($tarArchive, 'rb');
$dstHandle = gzopen($downloadArchive, 'wb');
if (!$srcHandle || !$dstHandle) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
print 'Unable to open file for gz-compression.';
while (!feof($srcHandle)) {
gzwrite($dstHandle, fread($srcHandle, 1024 * 512));

} else {
$downloadMimeType = 'application/x-gzip';
$downloadArchive .= '.tar.gz';
$tarArchive = $archiveName.'.tar';

// Create the tar file
$cmd = $config->gzip.' '.quote($tarArchive);
$retcode = 0;
if (class_exists('Archive_Tar')) {
$tar = new Archive_Tar($tarArchive);
$created = $tar->create(array($archiveName));
if (!$created) {
$retcode = 1;
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
print 'Unable to create tar archive.';

} else {
$cmd = $config->tar.' -cf '.quote($tarArchive).' '.quote($archiveName);
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to call tar command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call tar command. See webserver error log for details.';
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to call gzip command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call gzip command. See webserver error log for details.';

// Set timestamp of tar file to timestamp of revision
touch($tarArchive, $timestamp);

// GZIP it up
if (function_exists('gzopen')) {
$srcHandle = fopen($tarArchive, 'rb');
$dstHandle = gzopen($downloadArchive, 'wb');
if (!$srcHandle || !$dstHandle) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
print 'Unable to open file for gz-compression.';
while (!feof($srcHandle)) {
gzwrite($dstHandle, fread($srcHandle, 1024 * 512));

} else {
$cmd = $config->gzip.' '.quote($tarArchive);
$retcode = 0;
execCommand($cmd, $retcode);
if ($retcode != 0) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to call gzip command: '.$cmd);
print 'Unable to call gzip command. See webserver error log for details.';

// Give the file to the browser
if (is_readable($downloadArchive)) {
if ($downloadMode == 'plain') {
$downloadFilename = $plainfilename;
} else {
$downloadFilename = $rep->name.'-'.$downloadArchive;
header('Content-Type: '.$downloadMimeType);
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($downloadArchive));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $downloadFilename .'"');
// Give the file to the browser
if (is_readable($downloadArchive)) {
if ($downloadMode == 'plain') {
$downloadFilename = $plainfilename;
} else {
header('HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found', true, 404);
print 'Unable to open file: '.xml_entities($downloadArchive);
$downloadFilename = $rep->name.'-'.$downloadArchive;
header('Content-Type: '.$downloadMimeType);
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($downloadArchive));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $downloadFilename .'"');
} else {
header('HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found', true, 404);
print 'Unable to open file: '.xml_entities($downloadArchive);

Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions include/svnlook.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ function getFileContents($path, $filename, $rev = 0, $peg = '', $pipe = '', $hig

$tempname = $filename;
if ($highlight == 'line') {
$tempname = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), '');
$tempname = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), '');
$highlighted = true;
if ($highlight != 'no' && $config->useGeshi && $geshiLang = $this->highlightLanguageUsingGeshi($ext)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -810,9 +810,11 @@ function listFileContents($path, $rev = 0, $peg = '') {
$ext = strrchr($path, '.');

if ($config->useGeshi && $geshiLang = $this->highlightLanguageUsingGeshi($ext)) {
$tempname = tempnam($config->getTempDir(), 'wsvn');
print toOutputEncoding($this->applyGeshi($path, $tempname, $geshiLang, $rev, $peg, true));
$tempname = tempnamWithCheck($config->getTempDir(), 'wsvn');
if ($tempname !== false) {
print toOutputEncoding($this->applyGeshi($path, $tempname, $geshiLang, $rev, $peg, true));
} else {
$pre = false;
$cmd = $this->svnCommandString('cat', $path, $rev, $peg);
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions include/utils.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -399,3 +399,21 @@ function getUserLanguage($languages, $default, $userchoice) {

// }}}

function tempnamWithCheck($dir, $prefix) {
$tmp = tempnam($dir, $prefix);

if ($tmp == false) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
error_log('Unable to create a temporary file. Either make the currently used folder ("' . $dir . '") writable for WebSVN or change the folder in the configuration.');
print 'Unable to create a temporary file. Either make the currently used folder writable for WebSVN or change the folder in the configuration.';
} else {
global $vars;
$vars['warning'] = 'Unable to create a temporary file. Either make the currently used folder writable for WebSVN or change the folder in the configuration.';

return $tmp;

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