Optimal Control of Active Nematics using COMSOL and MATLAB
These scripts perform the optimal control calculation presented in https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.14837 that steer a continuum fluid model of an active suspension towards a desired dynamical state. The code utilizes the numerical technique “direct adjoint looping” to iteratively converge on a spatio-temporal field for either activity strength α or applied vorticity g, through consecutive finite element simulations consisting of forward, backward (adjoint), and update (gradient descent) steps.
Software Requirements:
- MATLAB ® , written with 2019a, compatibility with other versions is untested
- COMSOL Multiphysics ® with MATLAB LiveLink module, code written for v5.2, compatibility with other versions is untested
- matlab-ascii-plot, free download https://github.com/kyak/matlab-ascii-plot/releases/tag/0.1.1
- Download and unzip
- Configure AN_adjointloop_setup.m and AN_adjointloop.m
- Further details in manual.pdf
Acknowledgements: This research was conducted at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts USA, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA and Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA. This work was supported by the NSF MRSEC-1420382, NSF-DMR-2011486, NSFDMR1810077, and DMR-1855914 and the University of Nebraska startup fund. Computational resources were provided by the NSF through XSEDE computing resources (MCB090163) and the Brandeis HPCC, which is partially supported by NSFDMR-2011486.