This is a custom data acquisition card based on the STM32F103C8Tx platform. This board has some necessary front-end electronics and the interfacing software. The board has the following features
Here is a pic of the board running some hardware diagnostics
The red LEDs are used to indicate hardware gain selection setting (both should be off - Thus a good test)
- STM32F103C8Tx microcontroller (Blue-Pill) running at 72MHz
- 4 DC ADC channels
- 1 low voltage AC signal sensing channel (SIGNAL // not power)
- 1 configurable level crossing detector
- 10 GPIO digital pins
- 2 High power shared pins (shared 2x digital GPIO pins)
- On board current sensor (shared DC ADC pin)
- On board voltage sensor (shared DC ADC pin)
- DIP6 shared|software configured digital header [can be programmed to test logic and stuff]
- 3 high speed PWM pins with adjustable dead time insertion
- 3 complimentary PWM pins
All ADCs run at 12MHz[APB2] - The sampling is set to attain a good 4 Msps overall. which is shared between 4 DC channels on ADC1 [~ 1Msps each] and between 2 channels on ADC2 for AC and crossing detection [~2Msps].
Once it becomes stable enough it will be released under an appropriate licence
This repository contains the pictures of the prototype hardware | design and under test. The code is not currently included