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General Outline

Yawar edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 7 revisions

This page is full of pictures and block diagrams of what we are going to do (who doesn't like pictures)

Table of Contents

Block Diagram

This is the Hardware block-structure for the Osciduino


This is the block diagram for Software structure of the Osciduino



TFT_Display This is the TFT Display which is used to Display the waveform. SPFD5408 is the name of the Display. It also has a on_board SD-Card Reader which can be later on used to act as storage for the scope (like saving the sampling data as .csv) and later on can be used to port the data to softwares like Excel or analyzed using python and other such techniques.

Arduino_Mega2560 This Arduino Board is based on the Atmel 2560 Microcontroller, which provides a plethora of GPIO pins and 15 ADC channels. This provides us free space to use the ADC pins after installing the Display.


working_ungrounded This picture shows the assembled setup up and running. Since the ADC channel being used is not grounded externally, the ADC is picking up stray electric fields. The top right of the Screen shows the settings currently being used.


set_rate_to8_time_per_div This picture shows setting the display 'Time/Division' setting to setting '8'(0.2seconds/division) in the Rate array

In use

ADXL335 example -

accel2 ADXL335 used in the test to display changes in the output while being accelerated in x-direction.

Connect the ADXL335 3-axis accelerometer to the Arduino Mega as follows ADXL335 Arduino-Mega VCC 5V X-OUT A8 GND GND accel_sensor_connections connect_to_mega

See it in action (no audio) adxl335-Arduino-Oscilloscope

ADXL335 with Mega video

  • Home
  • know it!
  • General Outline
    • Block Diagrams
    • Hardware
    • GIFS
  • Hardware Extensions
    • Cycle through TIM/DIV
  • Examples
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