Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
GUI version of
Vocal Remover using Deep Neural Networks
GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
The perfect music bot for your Discord server! 🤘
Interfaces with the IKEA Tradfri smart lighting gateway
aircrack-ng / rtl8812au
Forked from astsam/rtl8812auRTL8812AU/21AU and RTL8814AU driver with monitor mode and frame injection
mk-fg / rtl8812au
Forked from diederikdehaas/rtl8812AULinux kernel driver for USB WiFi dongles based on Realtek rtl8812au chipset
dholth / deform_jinja2
Forked from mcdonc/deform_makoA set of jinja2 templates for the deform package. Includes standard and uni-form templates.
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