Analysis of Aberdeen Air Quality sensor data
We've added which is designed to be run as a cron job.
It monitors the Luftdaten API on a, say, 30 minute interval.
It compares the sensors found with a stored list (you'll want to create your own).
If a new sensor is found it adds it to the list and notes the time it was first spotted. We also send a Tweet from our AirAberdeen account saying that a new one has been spotted. We'll add Slack integration soon too.
If an previously known one is spotted, its last seen time is updated.
If a sensor that was previously know has disappeared we email the host asking them to check it, taking their details from our hosts_contacts.json file. See sample_hosts_contacts.json You'll want your own of those too. We need to improve this a little to make sure that the message is sent once - not repeatedly. We also will post a message to Slack.
TODO - below here needs tidying. Use with caution.
This project aims to analyse and visualise the data generated from the project led by the 57 North hacklab to help citizens deploy their own air quality sensors.
There are currently six live community sensors:
Luftdaten_ID | Madavi_ID | latitude | longitude |
5331 | 3654427 | 57.138 | -2.077 |
7789 | tbc | 57.130 | -2.087 |
8554 | 12017738 | 57.146 | -2.114 |
8733 | 3654335 | 57.136 | -2.107 |
15462 | xxx | xxx | xxx |
17079 | xxx | xxx | xxx |
Note Compare these numbers and locations to these
The sensors generate data which is uploaded to two sites: Luftdaten and Madavi.
The Luftdaten URLs are in the format:
These can be drilled down from into a date directory, then the CSV for a particular sensor from the table above.
Update 09-Feb-2019 The now has command line arguments for date range (-sd start date, -ed end date), it defaults to the previous dates if none are given.
Example: python --startdate 2019-02-16 --enddate 2019-02-22 -v
By using -v (verbose) argument the full download & errors are visible at the command line.
The Madavi URLs are in the format:
This links to a page of data CSVs for the current month and Zip files for past months.
The script retrieves
- the CSV files from the Madavi site to the day before the current date. At the time of writing these 73 files are for May, up to 12-May-2018.
- Then it downloads and extracts the zip files for previous months. These contain 300+ CSVs for previous months.
At present all of these downloads end up in the root directory from where I am moving them manually to the following structure.
Our next task it to make sense of the data There is an issue with the Madavi data in that the header has two fewer columns than it has data.
This documented in a Github issue on the original repo
update 09-Feb-2019 now MrParsy can convert the data to json it's a bit easier to see this. My guess is that the final -80 number should be the signal value (it's probably in dBs). But other than that I'm not sure?
Ideally we should download and extract the CSV / Zip files to their correct sub-folders. update 09-20-2019 now does this
We should look at data from the official monitoring equipment.
You will need Python 3 installed, you will also need a number of python modules, these can be installed via the command line use "pip install":
- pip install requests
- pip install python-dateutil