updated on: 04th March 2025, Tuesday
- Next Book is a full-stack social media web app built with cutting-edge technologies from the future, set in 2024.
- It leverages NextJS 15 and React 19, catering to the Next Fans.
- The app utilizes the Shadcn UI Library with Radix components, enhanced by Tailwind CSS.
- Fully responsive and meticulously maintained, Next Book offers a seamless user experience across all devices.
- Create your account today with us at next-book/signup
$> cd client
$> bun i
$> bun dev
- Framework: NEXT.JS 15 [React 19]
- Styling: tailwindCSS
- UI Library: shadcn/ui
- Database: Postgres [Neon DB]
- Authentication: Lucia
- Hosting: Vercel
- Bun: Javascript Runtime

Pritam Kundu, 2024